China leaves widow of Nobel laureates – International News: Asia and Oceania


China has left the widow of Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo under house arrest for eight years. Liu Xia, 57, wants to go to Germany for medical treatment. His sister left the country Tuesday aboard a Finnair Finnair plane, said his brother Liu Hui, as confirmed by friends of the German Press Agency in Beijing.

The brother announced that his sister was "a new life". begins, "known in the WeChat social network. In addition, civil rights lawyer Mo Shaoping, who had spoken with Liu Hui, confirmed the details of his brother. Liberation comes just a day after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the German-Chinese Intergovernmental Consultations in Berlin

"You're like a kite"

Chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated used for the release and departure of Liu Xia. The artist, photographer and poet is suffering from severe depression, as reported by his friends. The departure took place three days before the first anniversary of the death of Liu Xiaobo, who died in detention of a liver cancer on July 13, 2017. [LiuHuinallowedpermissiontoleavefromthesouthofLuanda#39;EtatavoulufairetaireLiuXiaàl'étrangeradéclarélemilitantdesdroitsciviquesHuJiaLemessageest"VotrefrèreesticiTuescommeuncerf-volantsurlaligneLeslimitesdevotrelibertéd'expressionsontentrelesmainsdesautres"HuJiaaformulélamenacederrièrecela

Concern for health

However, the & # 39; artist wants to be politically active because of. her health, but also because Liu Xia has never been active as a civil rights activist.Through her marriage with Liu Xiaobo, she has entered the sights of national security. "Loving Liu Xiaobo is a crime, "said Liu Xia e No tears during a recent phone conversation with the exiled Berlin writer, Liao Yiwu. The 57-year-old girl considered her treatment to be "life imprisonment".

Not only friends, but also UN human rights experts were "deeply concerned" about their mental health. "We are disturbed by the reports on the deterioration of Liu Xia's health," UN investigators said in the fight against enforced disappearances and arbitrary detention and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders of man last week in Geneva

Champion of Democracy

According to his friend Liao Yiwu, his depression is so severe that it can collapse unconscious or suffer from heart problems and other symptoms. You take powerful drugs against this, but you cause hallucinations. In a phone call on May 25, Liu Xia told the exiled poet, "When I'm dead, I will not become a victim of anyone."

Her husband was sentenced to eleven years in prison in 2009 for "infringement of power d & # 39; State. " In 2008, he was co-author of "Charter 08", calling for a "free, democratic and constitutional state". The Nobel Committee awarded Liu Xiaobo the Nobel Peace Prize for "his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China" in 2010.

His friends recall Liu Xiaobo as a great thinker and a gentle champion of democracy. Well-known civil rights activist Hu Jia praises his courage and humanity. Friends like Liao Yiwu, former East German dissident and singer Wolf Biermann and Nobel laureate Herta Müller organize a memorial service in the church of Gethsemane in Berlin on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Liu Xiaobo. (si / fr)

Date created: 10.07.2018, 09:49

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