China sees peacekeeping in cooperation with Europe


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also stressed the value of good relations with Europe in the face of current crises. Cooperation between China and Europe could ensure peace and stability in the world, he said Saturday at a meeting with his counterparts from 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe in Sofia .

China wants a "united and prosperous" partner The head of the Chinese government added after the talks. At the seventh annual 16 + 1 meeting, the Chinese wanted to discuss and strengthen their cooperation with several countries of Central and Eastern Europe in key areas such as infrastructure, technology, agriculture and tourism.

At the same time, 1,000 entrepreneurs from the participating states have a forum together. 500 businessmen arrived from China only. In recent years, China has invested billions of euros in infrastructure in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

Continuing criticism from some parts of the EU that the dialogue format that has existed since 2012 compromises the unity of the EU was described by Li Keqiang as a "misunderstanding". Nevertheless, China's cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe worries Brussels.

"Divide and conquer" is the Chinese strategy to undermine European unity and prevent critical European policy for China, European diplomats complain Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov praised the cooperation with Beijing. "With additional funds from China, we can achieve joint projects," he said. There are projects for which there is no money from the EU.

For joint projects to be implemented more easily and without problems, according to official sources, a Center for the Development of Chinese Entrepreneurs must be created

"We all want free trade and respect for rules, "said Li Keqiang. China would continue to open its market to agricultural products from Central and Eastern Europe, he promised.

The Bulgarians hosted the meeting and invited German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a special guest, but the leader of the CDU did not come. She meets the Chinese Prime Minister Monday in Berlin. (SDA)

Published 07.07.2018 | Updated at 16:51

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