City of Nuremberg: Nuremberg again best German airport


City of Nuremberg: Nuremberg again the best German airport

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The Albrecht Dürer Airport of Nuremberg was named for the eleventh consecutive year by the readers of the International Business Traveler magazine "Best Airport for Business Travelers in Germany" voted on number 1 and received the Business Traveler Award 2018.

The 2nd and 3rd places in the general classification are occupied by the airports of Bremen and Düsseldorf.

Michael Fraas states: "Travelers at Albrecht Dürer Airport Nuremberg benefit from a reliable service orientation and very short routes. Over the past eleven years, this has also been shown at the top of the rankings. Winning the Business Traveler Award is also a sign of the very dedicated work of all airport employees. I very much congratulate all the airport airport team Albrecht Dürer from Nuremberg! The effort is paying off, so that passengers in Nuremberg can continue to take off in a relaxed manner. "

FOCUS NWMI-OFF / City of Nuremberg

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