Commentary on Europe: the nationalism of Matteo Salvini turns into pure racism


The Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, does not want to send ships with rescued migrants to Italian ports. It no longer only looks after ships of private aid organizations, but also international border patrol ships and rescue operations.

There is no government decision yet in Italy, but Salvini has already stated that he would put this issue on the agenda. of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial meeting on 11 July in Innsbruck. Does this do to strengthen Italy's bargaining position or does it definitely seal the Scots and wants to use the Innsbruck summit "only" to make it clear to the Europeans, and especially to its constituents? ?

Nothing has made us clearer than the farce we have had with CSU and the CDU in recent weeks. A mountain went around and claimed that it was triggering avalanches that would bury the part landscape of the Federal Republic. None of this has happened. Out came a little mouse. Obviously, it was not about migration.

Other countries are not on migration either. In 2015, more than one million people crossed the Mediterranean to come to Europe. In 2016, it was 360,000. In 2017, only 170,000 and now in the first six months of 2018, there were still 45,000. This represents 0.07% of global migration.

It's about racism

Are they a threat to Europe? For 741 million Europeans? It would be ridiculous if it was not for crying. He screams because these numbers tell you that it is not migrants, but racism. It is not to want to exhaust it. It does not matter how much they are. A ship carrying 250 refugees is sent from port to sea.

No Christian Democrat Mayor, no Christian Socialist from any angle of the Christian West, so proud of his values, declared: Qu & # They come to me.

The Belgian Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, made a grand speech in the European Parliament on July 3 – look on Youtube – in which he showed that Europe is the problem and not the migrants.

Savlvini sees the euro as a "criminal currency"

The parties that are now spearheading the fight against migrants remain the most energetic opponents of integration European Union and the Euro a few years ago, In many countries, anti-European parties are now in parliaments. They are shaping European politics more and more. Their hatred of established politics would be more understandable if they were not supported by the desire for less democracy.

Look at the Italian Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. He sees the euro as a "criminal currency". He invited Greek neo-Nazis and right-wing ideologues to his rallies. A few years ago, the Lega Nord celebrated more pagan rituals in the sacred waters of the Po.

"Italians first"

When Pope Lampedusa visited in July 2013, Matteo Salvini commented that Francis should not promote "the globalization of the criminal". In mid-October 2014, Salvini went to Moscow, where he assured the chairman of the State Duma his party's commitment to the reunification of Crimea with Russia.

Salvini has been holding a rosary since February. "I swear allegiance to my people, the 60 million Italians, and I promise to respect the teachings of the Constitution and the Holy Gospel." He first laid hands on the Constitution and then on a book that said: "The Gospels", so not on the Bible.The event on which Salvini swore was entitled "The Italians first."

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