Cuba: An airline blames pilots for an accident


Two months after a plane crash with 111 dead in Cuba, the airline accused the pilots of the accident. This resulted in an evaluation of the Boeing 737's flight recorders by an international team of experts, said Mexican company Damojh. The machine had started too inclined, that 's why they had too little lift and crashed.

The aeronautical authority of Mexico however stated that the cause of the accident was still unclear because the investigation of the competent authorities of Cuba persists. Previously, there were also allegations against Damojh himself, who rejects the company.

The plane crashed on May 18 after being launched in Havana. 110 out of 113 died on board, one survivor later succumbed to his injuries. The Cuban airline chartered the Boeing, nearly 40 years old, for the domestic flight from Damojh.

The Mexican Air Traffic Authority has imposed a theft barrier against the company with a fleet of three machines. It lasted 27 days, as announced the company. All necessary measures have been taken to ensure compliance with safety standards.

The ban is baseless and is illegal, Damojh blamed the Authority. She was influenced by legal disputes with former employees. After the tragedy, among other things, a former pilot had accused the company of gross negligence with respect to alimony.

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