Dead child in cellar – accused parents demand acquittals
In the trial for the death of an infant in Rorschach District Court, both defendants demanded an acquittal on Wednesday. Among other things, they are accused of willful murder.
In August, police discovered a dead girl in the basement of a house in Staad SG. In the multi-day trial scheduled in Rorschach District Court, the parents of the prosecutor's office are responsible for the death of a child nearly two years old. They had so neglected care because of their addiction that they died.
On Tuesday, the 35-year-old indictment involved deliberate killings, a breach of care and care obligations, and narcotics offenses. He was sentenced to 10.5 years in prison. The father, 55, was sentenced to eight years in prison for the same offenses.
As an alternative, the prosecutor 's office demanded a lower prison sentence if sentenced for negligent and unintentional killing.
On Wednesday, the process continued with the defense plea. The father's lawyer asked for an acquittal. He explained how his client had "suffered a huge shock" after his arrest when he had learned of the death of his child. "He had suicidal thoughts after that."
The 55-year-old had actually used cocaine, but not in quantity because they had extrapolated the prosecutor. His client had been trained in a chaotic and conflictual environment. He had mental problems and was under the influence of drugs. In the care of his daughter, he had relied on his mother, said the defense. "She already had three children."
No evidence of guilt
The legal representative criticized the "incredibly long procedure". Although all available investigation options were exhausted, there was no evidence of guilt from his client. Ask a fundamental question: "How can a homicide be condemned if the cause of death is not established?"
The defender of the mother recalled in its execution the importance of the principle "In dubio pro reo": the court must justify legitimate doubts about the alleged accusations in favor of the accused. She asked for the payment of the main charges. Your advocacy will continue in the afternoon. (Aeg / SDA)
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