Doctors stopped cancer metastasis


Can we prevent the spread of cancer in the body in the future?

One of the biggest challenges in the fight against cancer is stopping metastases to prevent tumor cells from spreading throughout the body. Researchers have now found a promising new way to block this growth.

The latest study from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) showed how cancer metastases can be stopped. The results of the study were published in the English journal "Developmental Cell".

Will we be able to prevent the spread of cancer cells in the body in the future? (Image: crevis /

The barrier prevents cancer from metastasis

Swiss researchers have identified a barrier that prevents cancer from metastasizing. It consists of a protein called activin B and the ALK7 receptor. This combination seems to play a crucial role in defense against tumors. Previous research results show that activin B and ALK7 form a signaling pathway that naturally kills cancer cells (apoptosis) and thus prevents the formation (tumorigenesis) and spread of tumors.

Great results obtained in mice

For the most part, experiments have so far been performed only on mice. However, there are many biological and chemical similarities between the human and the mouse, especially with regard to the development of cancer, explain the authors of the study. Therefore, this barrier could be a promising target for anticancer drugs in the future. For the cancer barrier to function, the ALK7 receptor and activin B protein, which activates it, must work together. The researchers found that cancer could kill ALK7 and activin B to help the disease survive.

What are activins?

Protein complexes called activins, in which activin B is involved, play a crucial role in many areas of the body. They participate in the growth and spread of cells, our metabolism, the immune response of the body and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

ALK7 protects against relapses

The team studied both neuroendocrine and pancreatic tumors and breast cancer in mouse models. They also examined human patients with various cancers and found a link between the presence of ALK7 and a lower probability of relapse. Metastases also appeared to be controlled for long periods when ALK7 levels were higher, especially in breast cancer. This supports the idea that ALK7 and Activin B may be useful agents for preventing metastasis. However, further investigations will be needed before this discovery can form the basis of the actual treatment.

The more cancer control options available, the better: researchers continue to describe different treatment approaches, from DNA damage detection to the prevention of the formation of abnormal clumps of cells. The authors of the study explain that ALK7 has not been sufficiently taken into account and studied in the past. Now this can be attributed to the arsenal of potential cancer treatments. Understanding how cancer cells can overcome various natural safety controls is an important step in understanding tumor biology and the pathogenesis of the disease, say the study's authors.

Can a new rapid test revolutionize the diagnosis of cancer?

A new blood or tissue test can diagnose cancer in just ten minutes. It is based on a newly discovered DNA structure, believed to be present in all cancers. The newly developed test detects quickly and easily whether these structures are present in the blood or in the tissues. The cancer test has recently been introduced by an Australian research team and healing practices have also been reported. (As)

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