Donald Trump's plan: Air Force One will become red-white-blue


US President Donald Trump wants to change the colors of Air Force One. The next model of the presidential machine will be "unbelievable" and "the best in the world," Trump said in an interview broadcast Tuesday by CBS. Instead of the previous blue and white color scheme, the machine should in the future wear the colors of the American flag: "It will be red, white and blue, which I think is appropriate."

The interview was recorded last weekend was in Scotland. He said, looking at the following aircraft from the American aircraft manufacturer: "Boeing did a good job for us, but I said," I wonder if we should continue to use the same blue baby colors? and we will not do it. "The blue and white colors have been worn by Air Force One since the presidency of John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s.

The House Blanche announced in February to have reached an agreement with Boeing on the construction of the new presidential plane. The Pentagon has now confirmed that it has signed a $ 3.9 billion contract with the aircraft manufacturer for two Air Force One aircraft. Models of type 747-8 should therefore be delivered in December 2024.

If Trump would compete for a second term and win, 2024 would be his last full year in the Oval Office. He said in the TV interview that the new machines would be primarily aimed at future presidents. I hope you will use and enjoy the new Air Force One.

Video: Inside Air Force One – Aboard Doomsday Plane


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