Election of the Federal Council: SVP recommendation for Z & # 39; graggen – but also votes for Amherd


Heidi Z & Graggen (right) has enough ground for Viola Amherd (left)? Image: KEYSTONE

Only the lukewarm support of Prime Minister – Heidi Z & Graggen does not seize his chance

The SVP supports Heidi Z & Graggen for the election to the Bundesrat. His rival Viola Amherd gets more votes than expected.

roger brown / ch media

In fact, everything at SVP spoke in favor of Heidi Z 'graggen. Government Counselor Urner considers herself a member of the right wing of the PCV. She is relatively foreign and skeptical at first, and she has a relationship with well-connected politician Bruno Dobler. When Christoph Blocher recently pointed out how much he had worked with her in planning the Samih Sawiris holiday resort in Andermatt, the conclusion was close: Z Graggen is the candidate of the senior vice president.

The result of the hearings of the first vice-president of yesterday is even more disturbing. As announced Thomas Aeschi, group leader, at the end of the meeting, a majority of the party supported the Urner government adviser. But given the fact that their rival, National Councilor Viola Amherd, was left in the position of Senior Vice President, the vote must be a disappointment for Z. Graggen. 38 parliamentarians voted for them, 10 for Amherd, 7 void votes.

"In total, Z 'graggen has not been able to explain why it should be the most legal alternative to Amherd," explained a board member who explains the mixed result for Urnerin. Farmers supported Amherd. The Valais had done better the day before at the farmers audience than Z & # 39; graggen. Not only did she convince by the knowledge of her record, she was also able to demonstrate that she had always been supportive of farming, said a representative of the farmer with trust.

The "dork" acts after

It was also a pity for the SVP that Z 'graggen titled a party member at a podium chat with "Depp". When a member of the faction of the SVP asked why she had not apologized, Z Graggen denied the incident. "I find this unsustainable for a future federal councilor," says a member of the SVP who will vote for Amherd.

On a stable order omitted the SVP, as Aeschi said. This leaves each member of the group free to choose who he wants. Considering that yesterday, 19 people were absent, Amherd can count on a good dozen votes of the First Vice President.

Amherd being very well supported in the center-left, Valais is likely to be elected on December 5 as successor to Doris Leuthard.

FDP: advantage for Keller-Sutter

For the successor of Johann Schneider-Ammann, the SVP supports the FDP advisor in St. Gallen, Karin Keller-Sutter. She voted 38 votes; on the FDP Council of Nidwalden, Hans Wicki got 16 votes.

Yesterday's hearings also took place with the Liberal Greens and Greens. But you decide who to support next week. The hearings of the FDP, CVP and BDP factions are still ongoing.

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