Elon Musk offers help to footballers


In the flooded cave of Thailand, time is running out for young footballers and their coach. Meanwhile, the oxygen content in the chamber has dropped to 15 percent. It is not known how long the inmates will last.

Now the boss of Tesla and billionaire Elon Musk (46 years old) have joined him. His tunneling company The Boring Company is in contact with Thai authorities, Musk wrote on Twitter. "We have a fairly advanced ground radar and we are good at digging holes."

His idea: put an aerial tunnel under water from the outside to the cave. "The Boring Company and SpaceX will send employees to Thailand tomorrow to help with the rescue on the ground," says Tesla boss.

A diver died in a rescue attempt

Meanwhile, the situation in the Thai cave is intensifying. Divers Saman Kuman († 38) was killed while trying to place oxygen tanks, officials said Friday.

Since then, rescuers have been trying to place a pipe in the chamber to increase their oxygen content. A difficult task: to reach from the entrance of the room, the pipe should be 4.7 kilometers long.

In addition, the work of salvaging the persistent monsoon rain harder. At the end of the monsoon season, in this region in October, the trapped can certainly not hold up. The window of salvation is "limited," said a Thai military official. (hah)

Young footballer and coach included

Chronology of the dramatic cave in Thailand

  • Saturday, June 23: After the football training, the 12 players, all between 11 and 16 years old , and his trainer (25) Tham Luang Cave in Thailand. As a result of the monsoon rains, parts of the cave were suddenly flooded – the water blocked the only exit. The mother of one player reported that the group had disappeared after their son did not return home.
  • Sunday, June 24: Police and park staff launch the search operation in heavy monsoon rains. The parents of the players go to the entrance to the cave.
  • Tuesday, June 26: Rescue divers invade the cave for several kilometers. They suspect that Pattaya Beach players have retreated to an elevated room
  • Wednesday, June 27: US experts in British aid and diving arrive in Thailand.
  • Sunday, July 1: Divers set up a base in the cave, with hundreds of oxygen tanks and other supplies.
  • Monday, July 2: The rescue: The divers find the 12 boys and their trainer alive, 400 yards from the beach of Pattaya. A rescue is not possible, no boys can swim. Rescuers bring food and medicine to the prisoners
  • Wednesday, July 4: The boys send a video message from inside the cave. They are taught by divers to prepare them for a rescue operation. Friday, July 6: A diver dies trying to place oxygen bottles in the cave. The oxygen content in the chamber has now fallen from 20 to 15 percent. Elon Musk sends employees from his company to Thailand for help.

Posted 06.07.2018 | Last updated 20 minutes ago

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