EU-China summit advises on trade disputes and investment agreements


The meeting will also revolve around deadlock talks on an investment protection agreement between the two parties, the EU call for more market opening in China and the planned reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Summit again give a joint statement. Pressures by US President Donald Trump and his disruptive tactics are forcing China and the EU closer together. In the trade dispute, the EU, like China, rejects Trump's unilateral action outside of the WTO, but does not want to side with Beijing too much because it shares Trump's criticisms of market barriers and forced technology transfer in China

. Keqiang is expected to receive the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the EU Council Donald Tusk and other EU leaders in late afternoon, as well as Xi Jinping, leader of the state and party. On security issues, the two sides also want to talk about the standoff over North Korea's nuclear and missile weapons program and the agreement on the prevention of nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran

. Expansion of agricultural exports. China has already reopened its beef market in Ireland and France. It was closed in 2001 after the outbreak of the cattle epidemic. Agricultural exports accounted for only eight percent of all EU exports to China in 2017 – the other five percent

Every day, the EU trades goods of value 1.5 billion euros between the EU and China. Both parties want to set up a joint working group to discuss the reform of the WTO. (SDA)

Published 16.07.2018 | Updated 11 minutes ago

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