Today, candidates for the Bundesrat face the first hearings of the parliamentary groups. Please, GLP and the Greens want Karin Keller-Sutter, Alto Amherd, Heidi Z & Graggen and Hans Wicki with critical questions to the tooth. Do favorites stumble and can challengers convince factions?
To become a Federal Council or not, that is the question. Today, candidates for the Federal Council must face the first hearings. Do favorites Karin Keller-Sutter (54, FDP) and Viola Amherd (56, CVP) walk confidently through these crucial audiences or are they tripping? Opponents Hans Wicki (54, FDP) and Heidi Z & Graggen (52, CVP) can they convince the First Vice President, Greens or GLP and get out of their positions?
The two eco-parties and the Senior Vice President will not be holding back today with critical questions and will not feel up to the four candidates. How the candidates and Wicki beat, you will learn in the LOOK Ticker from 15 hours.
Will Wicki still be dangerous for the favorite?
In the FDP, the constellation is clear: the Council of States of St. Gallen, Karin Keller-Sutter, is a great favorite to succeed Johann Schneider-Ammann (66 years). Hans Wicki could not escape from the shadow of his rival. It is extremely unlikely that the Nidwalden State Council will be able to take control of the other factions. A surprise on December 5 – while replacement elections are taking place – is almost impossible.
Keller-Sutter must first attack the SVP, the biggest faction of the Bundeshauskuppel. Half an hour is scheduled for a hearing. After the visit to the Sünneli party, for KKS, as Keller-Sutter calls it in the Berne political bureau, things are easier and less complicated: until 4:30 pm, they will try to convince the smaller fractions of the Greens and Green Liberals become federal councilors. should.
The Wicki Challenger, who once again denied being an alibi candidate for the liberal race, is allowed to prepare for the Greens. At the latest, it must be at operating temperature. Because the votes of the SVP are mandatory for Wicki, he even wants to have the slightest chance to try his luck against KKS. Then, Wicki can rest briefly, before moving to GLP at 16:30.
Z 'graggen with the partner bonus at SVP
More open is the starting position at the CVP. National Councilor Viola Amherd was vice-president of the group and was chosen as the favorite for the seat of 55-year-old Doris Leuthard. But government adviser Uri, Heidi Z & Graggen, who made a splash on the party ticket, Valais is becoming more and more dangerous. Although it has worked well for Amherd, but it is submitted to the Federal Council, it also depends a lot on the hearings.
Amherd is first and foremost the GLP Red group and responds. After a half-hour break, the minutes are forwarded at 4 pm to SVP, then to the Greens – a key audience for Valaisan. Can she score points on ecological topics?
Because in terms of the environment, Heidi Z Graggen, a government adviser and challenger, seems to benefit from more credits. She tries to consolidate this impression at 3:30 pm at the GLP then the Greens before going in search of sympathizers to the SVP. His chances there are not bad: after all, his life partner was formerly first vice-president of the cantonal council (BLICK reported).
In a week, KKS, Amherd, Z & Graggen and Wicki will also represent the other factions. The hearings then take place at SP, BDP, CVP and FDP – a day before the election of the Federal Council.
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