Flixbus: flying a long distance bus while driving – from all over the world


These are incredible pictures taken by a man in Grenoble, France. While France hovered in joy after the victory of the title of world champion, the festivities intensified in different parts of the country.

Some young people took advantage of the opportunity to slowly drive around the streets by passenger car, ripped the luggage compartments and grabbed the bags inside.

Upon Facebook 's request, the operator Flixbus replied: The danger situation was quickly recognized and wanted to bring its passengers back safely as soon as possible – the completion of the luggage compartments did not occur. was no longer possible "

The video quickly spread through the network, for a good reason: in 2017, Flixbus had 40 million passengers, but the company said," The scenes shown are an absolute exceptional situation. " Legal measures have already been taken.

Also in the video: Crash of a plane in South Africa: a passenger filmed the last seconds before the impact

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