Four more boys from the Thai cave released



In Thailand, specialized divers were able to save more young trapped in the cave. Meanwhile, the parents of the twelve boys are still in uncertainty.

wej. / ks. / bso. / kl. / Agencies


  • The tragedy surrounding the twelve footballers ages 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old caregiver began on June 23 as 39 A flood of water the group included several kilometers deep in the Tham Luang cave complex in northern Thailand. Since then, the boys have been trapped in a dry place about four kilometers inside the cave.
  • Four teenagers were released from the cave Sunday after 15 days and taken to the hospital. Four other boys were rescued on Monday.
  • The monsoon rains make the bailout difficult. It is planned to continue on Tuesday
  • The Cave Path is a draining dive of five hours, even for the most experienced divers. On Friday, a diver died while building a line of oxygen. Each boy must be accompanied by two divers



Now it is confirmed: Special divers were able on Monday to get four young people out of the cave. Thus, a total of eight players of the football team are now saved. Four boys and their coach must stand in the cave.

It can be assumed that the rescue mission will continue on Tuesday. You can then try to get all the other kids and their trainer. Officially, there was no confirmation at the start.

  An ambulance leaves the area around the cave entrance on Monday. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)

An ambulance leaves the area around the cave entrance on Monday. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)

Meanwhile, the boys' parents were worried because the names of the children already saved were not published. "We heard that there are four boys, but we do not know who they are," said Supaluk Sompiengjai, mother of Pheeraphat, 16 years old. Nobody among the parents waiting at the cave has been informed.


Who will help first in difficult rescue operations? The first young people left the cave in Thailand safely – soon others will follow. But how do the working groups decide who will be the first saved? "At first glance, it might make sense to bring out the weakest first," said Martin Gross of the Baden-Württemberg Rescue Grotto at the German News Agency. However, the conditions to escape through the partially flooded cave of about four kilometers long are extreme. Therefore, one must first take someone "who is psychologically and physically stable, which doctors say: he catches it."

Such cave rescue operations in Europe are hard to imagine for Gross: "Here in Central Europe" Young people would not have survived such a long stay in a cave in Central Europe "without heat preservation measures, "says Gross


Do journalists know the situation on the ground? Florian Nusch, an employee of Deutsche Welle, is on site at the Tham Luang Cave Complex and confided to our colleague Tobias Sedlmaier what the journalists have heard about the rescue operation:

not directly at the event, but had to move there two days ago. The land directly to the cave is cordoned off for the rescue. Since the pictures of wounded children would not have wanted. The new media center is in a parking lot in front of an administrative center. Everything looks very improvised and yet was pulled up incredibly fast. It sounds a bit like camping: rain tents, plastic chairs, country kitchens. Volunteers in yellow shirts, mostly women, cooking for journalists, smelling cakes and exotic fruits. We can easily forget what dramatic situation we are here.

The atmosphere is, typically Thai, little excited or depressed. Assistants take selfies with farangs, extraterrestrials, and applaud when we hear the siren of an ambulance, even if it means nothing. Thais are grateful for the international aid they receive, especially from the British and Americans. Initially, the actions were chaotic and ineffective, the authorities were overwhelmed and the helpers did not even have uniform maps of the region. This situation is completely new in Thailand

The rescue plan is now more coordinated, but the information policy is still confused. Press conferences are sporadic, sometimes a few hours after the announcement. There are many rumors and false ads in the air: Sunday, we first said that six children were saved, then four. Before 9 o'clock, no one should be able to leave the cave, all of a sudden the first children were saved. Some information is only available on social networks, such as the Thai Marine Facebook page, but you should not rely on any source.

  Journalists from around the world settled in the media center near the cave. (Photo: Soe Zeya Tun / Reuters)

Journalists from around the world set up their work in the media center near the cave. (Photo: Soe Zeya Tun / Reuters)

Meanwhile, the cross newspaper, which I would estimate to be about 1000 participants, has virtually shared. After rescuing the first children, half of them went to Chiang Rai Hospital. If the weather deteriorates, the sporadic rain increases and the cavern must be pumped half-empty, a TBM with engineers is ready.


The classmates of the boys included hope to see them soon friends. "We are going to eat grilled pork together," said 15-year-old Pansa Sompienjai. He can not wait to play football with his friends. "They should also hurry, because we have a lot of homework," he added

In a school, classmates commemorate with pictures and personal photos of boys

  (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)

] (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)


Apparently, the rescue operation is progressing well: Several media reports that during this time the sixth, seventh and eighth teenagers also leave the scene should have. However, there is still no official confirmation for these reports


What is the biggest problem for young people who are still waiting to be saved? Our author Stephanie Lahrtz participated cave diver Andreas Wolf spoke. Wolf is responsible for diving rescue in Bavaria and even an experienced diver.

He says, "Rescuers must establish a relationship of trust with children. However, dive experts have the best conditions for this.

12:03 pm

A fifth boy was saved from the cave. The Reuters news agency reports, citing the army. However, official confirmation is still pending.


The fate of teenagers and their coach is to move people around the world. Hope is also sought to save those trapped in a London subway station


Meanwhile, the provincial governor and chief of staff, Narongsak Osottanakorn, gave a press conference. The new rescue mission began at 11 am local time (6 am CEST). All the equipment necessary to use extremely risky in the cave is ready. "We will have good news in a few hours" he said.

The four rescued boys are currently being tested in hospital for infections and so can not kiss their parents yet. Treating physicians made the decision whether parents should see teens "at a distance or through the glass," he said. Guardian journalist Jacob Goldberg tweeted from the press conference that some boys had already complained of hunger and asked for Pad Krapao – chicken with basil and rice.

Narongsak also criticized the behavior of some journalists on standby. Some had apparently sent drones across the region. However, they could disrupt rescue helicopters, Narongsak said.


Danish diver Ivan Karadzic participated in the rescue operation on Sunday. Among other things, he helped replace the bottles of compressed air in the flooded cave. In the Danish radio he gave some details about the announced rescue operation:

The four survivors of the cave the youngsters had before diving accordingly strong drugs received. "The boys were sedated so they would not panic," he said. "They were not totally stunned, but they did not react properly."

Twelve children aged 11 to 16 were stranded in a flooded cave in Thailand for two weeks. The first four were saved Sunday (8/7) – after a break due to heavy rains, the rescue operation continues Monday (9/7). Image: The survivors are loaded by the helicopter into an ambulance vehicle. (Photo: Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters)
It has since been confirmed that four youths were rescued on Monday. Thus, eight Linder are now safe and already transported to the hospital. Image: Several ambulances leave the rescue station in front of the cave (9. 7.). (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Relatives, assistants and onlookers signal that the ambulances leave with the survivors in front of the cave. Four boys and their caregivers still have to stay in the cave. Presumably, the rescue mission will continue Tuesday. (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)
Hours Before: An ambulance with flashing red lights leaves the station in front of the cave. The fifth boy was saved. The Reuters news agency reports, citing the army. However, the official confirmation was still pending at that time (9/7). (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
At the cave, a parent attaches a drawing of the trapped (9.7.). (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
A rescue helicopter is waiting at the cave complex in Mae Sai to send more young people to the hospital as soon as they can dive out of the cave. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
An ambulance is also available for rescued children. (Image: imago / Xinhua)
On Sunday, July 8th, special divers managed to free the first four youngsters. They were transported by ambulance (photo) to Prachanukroh Hospital in Chaing Rai. The additional rescue operation was interrupted due to new rainfall. (Image: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
To protect the young, the entrance to the cave was sifted. The interest of the media is huge, the fate of the trapped moves the world. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Even in front of Prachanukroh hospital in Chaing Rai, where young people need to be treated after their rescue, the media are already waiting to take pictures and, if necessary, to make interviews . (Image: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
A privacy screen is also installed in front of the emergency department entrance. After the two week stay in the cave, the victims need protection and medical help to recover. (Image: Yongrit Rungroj / EPA)
Divers go to the cave. The path of the cave is an intense dive of five hours, even for experienced experts. – Sunday morning (8. 7.) 18 divers went to the cave. In the rescue operation, each boy must be accompanied by two divers, but all 11 can not be evacuated at the same time. (Image: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Volunteers prepare for their mission. The rescue operation is going well. As the water in the partially flooded cave has fallen, early Sunday teenagers (8. 7.) could even come out a little faster than expected. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Due to heavy rains, much water penetrated the caves, making it impossible to leave for two weeks. Image: Saturday 7. 7. Divers go down into the underpasses to initiate the rescue operation. (Photo: Royal Thai Navy / EPA)
Given that the location of the children inside the maze is known, the ability to tunnel a tunnel from above to free it is also examined. But this variant would take a long time and would be risky. (Image: Rungroy Yongrit / EPA)
Divers are fighting the monsoon rain against the huge masses of water. "We are all strong," say the teens trapped in a letter to their parents. (Photo: Tham Luang Rescue Operation Center via AP)
At the entrance to the cave, volunteers also set up a country kitchen to feed the many rescue teams. (Photo: Rungroj Yongrit / EPA)
Diving experts enter the cave entrance on Saturday (7/7) to accompany the group trapped while they leave the flooded tunnels. (Image: Royal Thai Navy / EPA)
The situation is serious because the oxygen content inside the cave is steadily decreasing and has already reached a critical level. The working group at Mae Sai (photo) is reinforced by external experts and must evaluate the best type and the best moment of rescue. (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Members of the Thai army are also in action, especially for pumping as much water from the labyrinth of caves. It would be fatal if heavy rains fell again and the caves were flooded again. (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Plastic tubes for pumping water are laid. The authorities want the risk of the planned rescue campaign to be as low as possible; the more water one can extract from the cave, the greater the chances of saving all living prisoners. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
A lifeguard stands at the entrance of the cave complex – the youths wait more than three kilometers into the cave. Saving teens stuck for two weeks is becoming more of a race against the clock. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Diver entering the entrance of the cave (7. 7.). In the last days he was dry around the cave. But that can change at any time – because it's the rainy season. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
The entrance to the cave. According to the weather forecast, it will rain on Saturday (7. 7.) in the area and will even get heavy rain. If the conditions deteriorate considerably, the rescuers want to start their mission in advance and temporarily stop the action until the weather improves again. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
An assistant inspects a waterproof flashlight. The dive into the narrow cave is made even more difficult by the darkness. (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Recovery specialists place oxygen bottles. The reliability of ancillary equipment is crucial to the success of the rescue; this is especially true for the supply of breathable air. (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Other helpers arrive in the area. Rescue work is running at full speed, especially the water in the passages of the cave must be constantly pumped. (6. 7). (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)
Inmate members pray in front of the cave (July 7). (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
A family member of a young footballer caught in the cave lingers on the spot. The currently preferred rescue scenario is that children can swim in the flooded part of the cave with divers (7.7.). (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
The Thai Navy Seal Rescue Forces release on Saturday (7. 7.) handwritten notes, which come from the included juniors and could be recovered in the cave. The two shippers – Pong and Nick – let them know that they love their parents and believe in salvation; After leaving the cave, one of the boys wants to have roast pork in a restaurant. (Photo: Facebook page of the Thai Navy Seal via AP)
Thai students meditate for the Jungfussballer trapped in the cave (July 6). (Photo: Rungroj Yongrit / EPA)
Soldiers carry a water pump at the entrance to the cave. The water level inside the cave should never increase, otherwise the teenagers may drown (6. 7.). (Image: Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters)
An impromptu press conference is held in front of the cave. During the rescue, a diver died. The former member of the Thai special unit Navy Seals was dead because of lack of oxygen in the cave (6. 7.). (Photo: Rungroj Yongrit / EPA)
The body of the fatally wounded diver is transported in a decorated military vehicle (July 6). (Photo: Rungroj Yongrit / EPA)
A member of the missing persons is shocked when she learns that a diver died in the rescue work (July 6). (Photo: Rungroj Yongrit / EPA)
Auxiliaries pump water from Tham Luang Khun cave in Thailand. For nearly two weeks, the young footballers and their coach are trapped in the cave (July 5). (Photo: Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters)
In front of the cave, relatives wait and follow the search operation on the screen temporarily installed. – There is the rainy season in the area now. New rains are preparing the rescuers. They could delay further recovery (5. 7.). In the meantime, rescuers attempted to install telephone lines in the cave. The contact with the outside world is extremely important, so those who are trapped do not lose hope. (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Monday night (2 July), images of the emergency services showed the children inside the cave in the light of flashlights – exhausted, but delighted. They could finally be located after 9 days. (2. 7). (Photo: Xinhua / Imago)
The nightmare has not yet stood out. Even after their discovery, young people must continue to wait for their recovery. Relief operations are in full swing despite heavy rain (2. 7.). (Photo: Linh Pham / Getty Images)
British divers found the boys' miles inside the cave. They were located about 400 meters from where they had been suspected (2. 7.). (Image: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
Police officers keep oxygen tanks at the disposal of divers. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
The cave flooded with monsoon rain is pumped. The new water flows but again and again (2. 7.). (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
The water is pumped with powerful drills (July 1st). (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
On the surface, water gushes from the tubes (1. 7.). (Image: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Divers try to reach the boys. They are only one kilometer from a higher area of ​​Tham Luang cave, where children are suspected, said the governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osottanakorn. The picture shows oxygen tanks for divers (1. 7.). (Image: Linh Pham / Getty Images)
Soldiers and rescuers try to free children. The cave of Tham Luang near the border with Burma and Laos, however, is very winding and in some places so narrow that you can hardly pass with a bottle of oxygen on your back. (1. 7). (Soe Zeya Tun / Reuters)
For days, prolonged monsoon rains made search more difficult. Sunday (1. 7.) he finally stopped raining. Divers introduced oxygen tanks into the cave and set up a mission base inside the cave. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
As the water that flooded the cave is very muddy, the underground divers used are slow. The forces are also trying to drill a well in the cavern (30. 6.). (Image: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Candles and flowers were installed for the missing children near the cave (July 1). (Photo: Sakchai Lalit / AP)
The authorities suspect that the group was caught in a sudden flood and entered the cave deeper and deeper before the rising waters. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
Rescuers study a map of the Tham Luang Cave Complex. It is located in the north of the country. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA)
The cave named Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang No, where teenagers are missing, is one of the largest in Thailand with more than 10 kilometers of tunnels. (Photo: Pongmanat Tasiri / EPA) Go to the article Go to the other images

Eight children are saved – four and their superiors are still waiting

"We painted all kinds of catastrophic scenarios – Equipment that breaks down, and the children who panic, drown and have to be revived, "he also told the Ritzau news agency." We were prepared for this but nothing is safe. everyone was at their post and doing exactly what they needed. "

The boys wore diving suits and masks." They looked a little scared, but they were not panicked or anything. And they smiled and said thank you, "said the diver.He, however, had to first recover and, if necessary, be reinstated Tuesday morning.


During this time, the rescue mission resumed. Several divers went down to the cave, as a member of the Thai Navy Seals Thai military unit told CNN. Anupong Paojinda Interior has announced that divers who have successfully completed their first Sunday action should be redeployed on Monday.A total of about 90 divers are used.The core team consists of 18 special divers, most of whom are diving. among them from abroad, such as Australia and the United Kingdom.Alarm and helicopters can be seen in the morning in front of the cave complex entrance

09:22 [19659018] There is a lot of rain in the area as the newspaperist writes Guardian Jacob Goldberg

Heavy rain clouds pass through the area. Thai policemen lock access to the cave complex.

  (Image: Rungroj Yongrit / Epa)

(Image: Rungroj Yongrit / Epa)


The journalist Jacob Goldberg, who is on hand for the Guardian, tweets that classmates are already prepared for the return of the saved youth.


The families of the four expected footballers are waiting for their first meeting. The boys are being treated at a hospital in Chiang Rai City. Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda said Monday, according to a Bangkok Post report, that the youth were "strong". They should undergo other medical tests now. The eighth floor of the clinic is closed by the police.


Rescuers may encounter another obstacle in the planned rescue of the remaining eight teenagers and their football coach from the cave: Heavy monsoon rains have plunged into the Chiang Rai area for hours Monday evening. Thai weather authorities also predict a 60% chance of rain with thunderstorms on Monday. The extent to which showers affected the water levels in the cave was not clear at first.


There is great relief after the first rescue effort in the Tham-Lang Cave Complex. Read the report of our author:


The foreign interest in the rescue drama was great: So that the use was not hindered by the large contingent of media, the authorities had the entrance to the cave in the perspective of the rescue operation closed on a wide area. More than 1,000 journalists from around the world, some of whom have been following action since the beginning, have had to leave the region.


The Thai Navy said goodbye Sunday with the following words: "Tonight we all sleep well." Good night! "


The rescue mission in the The cave is persecuted by many outside, and when rescued teenagers are taken to hospital, they are encouraged.

  (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)

(Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)


The Eight The teens and their coaches remaining in the cave are still in their original location, tweeting the BBC journalist Jonathan Head, citing the governor of the Several media had previously reported that they had already approached the cave's exit, which is obviously not the case.Its rescue could take another day, Narongsak said.As reported by Channel News Asia, it started to rain again

16:18 [19659034] Up to now, four teenagers have been saved from the cave in Thailand, all of whom receive medical treatment. This said the governor of the province and head of the Narongsak Osottanakorn rescue mission Sunday night (local time) in front of the reporters. The Civil Protection Authority had already informed that six boys had already been taken out of the cave. However, the governor did not confirm it.

"The operation was very sweet," Narongsak said. "We were faster than expected today." The mission began Sunday morning at 10 am (local time). The rescue operation will continue now in 10 to 20 hours, Narongsak said Sunday night. In the cave are still eight teenagers and their trainer.

Divers should refresh the breathing air supplies that were used in the first phase, Narongsak said. All the teenagers wore masks and were driven by the divers through the tunnels. "I am happy that we have successfully completed our mission for the first four."


US President Donald Trump also commented on Sunday's rescue. The United States worked very closely with the Thai government to save and save all the children in the cave, he tweeted. He wrote: "Very brave and talented people!"


The German cave expert Martin Gross explained in a conversation with the German news agency how much the situation in the Thai cave was. 19659013] Faced with new threatening rains, the rescue operation leaders in the cave could no longer wait. "If the masses of water become unmanageable and there is a risk that young people will be trapped for four months, we must act," said Gross. Aged 39, he is an active lifeguard and director of the volunteer association Cave Rescue Baden-Württemberg.

The risk of bringing children with divers to the outside of the narrow channels of the cave was high. "You can trust that for children, but it could also make someone scare." It's especially important to give children exactly what to expect and what they can do. expect. "They have to trust their two rescuers, whom they are supposed to accompany, according to our information," he said.

The cave explorer and diver Roland Konopac made similar statements to the NZZ:


Meanwhile, more than 13 members of the football team were able to leave the cave.


The Thai military unit Navy Seal reports that a fourth youth has left the cave. According to the Bangkok Post, others would have spent most of the way


The water in the partially flooded cave had sunk, so that young people could get out of it faster than expected, he cites. Reporters the rescue workers


The third boy reportedly reached the entrance to the cave, reports a Channel News Asia producer.


A reporter from the BBC reports that an ambulance is far from the cave. It is believed that one of the rescued teenagers is transported to the hospital.


The first two teenagers were saved from the Thai cave. This has been reported by the local authorities. The boys are medically examined on the ground in front of the cave


Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed reports that the first teenagers have traveled most of the road. The Bangkok Post also announced that two of the 13 members of the Thai football club included in a Thai cave should be en route to the outdoors. An official confirmation for this was not yet available.


The governor of Chaing Rai, Narongsak Osottanakorn, meanwhile issued a press release on the state bailout, quoted by the Guardian. As a result, it is currently difficult to know exactly when the first teenager will reach the exit of the cave. Until now, it has been assumed that the first boy could have been saved at 9:00 pm local time (4:00 pm CEST).


Helicopters are ready to take the teenagers and their trainer to the nearest hospital.

19659017] 12:33 pm

Two nurses are already waiting in front of Prachanukroh Hospital in Chaing Rai, where trapped teenagers and their trainers will be treated after their rescue. In addition, several carriers have been set up outside.

  (Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)

(Image: Lauren DeCicca / Getty Images)

Everything is ready at the hospital too. The eighth floor is supposed to be reserved for the survivors. Teenagers are weak. After days without contact with the outside world, divers were last provided with the essentials.


The oxygen tanks were brought to the entrance because of the dearth of air in the cave

19659034] In the operation of rescue, the boys must be divided into three groups, as reported by the "Bangkok Post". Thus, four members of the youth football team, accompanied by experienced divers, must start the risky and tedious dive. Two other groups of three footballers will follow. The 16-day keeper caught in the cave group will be in the last group.


Meanwhile, there is still heavy rain in the area:

10:54 Watch

The American entrepreneur Elon Musk suggested last week that an airbag could help young people get out of the cave. Comme l'a tweeté Jonathan Head, correspondant de la BBC, une version thaïlandaise de cette proposition est actuellement testée:


Il y a aussi 18 spécialistes australiens impliqués dans l'opération de sauvetage. La ministre australienne des Affaires étrangères Julie Bishop a déclaré sur Twitter ce dimanche


Le PDG de Tesla, Elon Musk, qui est impliqué dans la recherche de matériel de sauvetage et de sauvetage, se présente Twitter impressionné par le courage des enfants pris au piège ainsi que les plongeurs. «Der Charakter des Menschen zeigt sich hier von seiner besten Seite», schrieb er.

06:50 Uhr
(Bild: Imago)

(Bild: Imago)

Während der Rettungsaktion würden die Jungen für einige Teile des Weges Ausrüstung der Sporttaucher benötigen, um voranzukommen, sagte der Leiter des Rettungsteams, Narongsak Osottanakorn. In den vergangenen Tagen sei der Wasserpegel in der Höhle jedoch genügend zurückgegangen, dank der Entwässerungsmassnahmen. So könnten nun viele Teilstücke zu Fuss passiert werden.

Australische Sanitäter hätten die Höhle am Sonntag betreten, um den Gesundheitszustand der Jungen zu bewerten. Sie hätten bestätigt, dass die Knaben bereit seien.

Video starten

So sieht es in der Höhle aus

06:17 Uhr

«Today is D-Day» – «Heute ist der Tag X», sagte der Provinz-Gouverneur und Leiter des Rettungsteams, Narongsak Osottanakorn, am Sonntag vor Journalisten in der Nähe der Höhle. «Das Wetter ist gut. Le niveau d'eau est bon. Les plongeurs sont prêts. Die Jungen sind körperlich, seelisch und psychisch bereit, herauszukommen.»

Bei der Operation soll jeder Knabe von zwei Tauchern begleitet werden. Die Jungen, die Vollmasken tragen werden, die das gesamte Gesicht abdecken, sollen nach und nach herausgebracht werden. Die Experten erwarten, dass der Einsatz, der um 10 Uhr Ortszeit (5 MESZ) begann, am Sonntagabend um 21 Uhr (16 Uhr MESZ) beendet sein wird.

Laut Angaben eines CNN-Reporters vor Ort soll leichter Nieselregen eingesetzt haben. Er sagte weiter, dass die Regierung die riskante Rettungsaktion nicht zu diesem Zeitpunkt einleiten würde, wenn es andere Möglichkeiten gäbe.

Sauerstoffmangel und schlechte Wetteraussichten erhöhten zuletzt den Druck auf die Retter. In the coming days there will still be heavy rain. Am Aufenthaltsort der Gruppe ist der Sauerstoffgehalt in der Luft von 21 Prozent auf 15 Prozent abgesunken.

05:58 Uhr

Die Rettungsaktion für die zwölf in einer Höhle in Thailand eingeschlossenen Jungen und ihren Fussballtrainer hat begonnen. This was announced by the government on Sunday. Thirteen foreign and five Thai divers participated in the attempt to get the group out of the cave.

Das undatierte Foto, das die Royal Thai Navy am 7. Juli veröffentlicht hat, zeigt Mitglieder des Rettungsteams bei der Höhle in Thailand, wo zwölf Knaben und ihr Fussballtrainer seit 23. Juni gefangen sind. (Bild: Royal Thai Navy via AP)

Das undatierte Foto, das die Royal Thai Navy am 7. Juli veröffentlicht hat, zeigt Mitglieder des Rettungsteams bei der Höhle in Thailand, wo zwölf Knaben und ihr Fussballtrainer seit 23. Juni gefangen sind. (Bild: Royal Thai Navy via AP)

03:58 Uhr

Die Behörden in Thailand haben die Evakuierung des Geländes in der Nähe des Eingangs zur Höhle angeordnet, in der zwölf Knaben einer Fussballmannschaft und ihr Trainer festsitzen. The site is needed for the rescue operation, police said Sunday. Am selben Tag kamen Sporttaucher und Sanitäter an der Höhle an.

Die vor der Höhle versammelten rund 1000 Journalisten müssen das Gebiet damit verlassen. «Jeder, der nicht in den Einsatz eingebunden ist, muss die Gegend sofort verlassen», hiess es in einer Lautsprecheransage der Polizei. "From the assessment of the situation, we need the area to help the victims," ​​he said. In dem schlammigen Feldlager setzte daraufhin eiliges Packen und Abreisen ein.

Die Räumung fachte Spekulationen über einen kurz bevorstehenden Start oder eine bereits laufende Rettungsaktion an. New incoming journalists were denied access. Sie wurden mit der Ansage, später werde eine Pressekonferenz folgen, zu einem Regierungsgebäude weitergeleitet.

Der Chef des Rettungseinsatzes, Narongsak Osottanakorn, hatte zuvor mit Blick auf den Wasserstand, das Wetter und die Gesundheit der Jungen gesagt, die Bedingungen für einen Rettungsversuch seien «jetzt und in den kommenden drei oder vier Tagen perfekt». A clear decision must be made "what we can do". Am Samstagabend gab es erneut schwere Regenfälle, was die Dringlichkeit der Rettung verdeutlichte.

Der Weg aus der überschwemmten Tham-Luang-Höhle ist selbst für erfahrene Taucher ein kräftezehrender fünfstündiger Tauchgang. Wie gross das Risiko ist, hatte sich am Freitag gezeigt, als ein Taucher der thailändischen Eliteeinheit Navy Seals beim Aufbau der Sauerstoffleitung starb.

Am Samstag wurden zudem zehn weitere Mitglieder des Rettungsteams verletzt, als sie den Berg nach Eingängen von oben in die Höhle absuchten. His car sank in a cliff. Ihre Verletzungen sind aber offenbar nicht lebensgefährlich.

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