Fourth survivor of Nowitschok fired from hospital – News International: Europe


The British Charlie Rowley, contacted the Nowitschok nervous agent, was released from the hospital. This was announced Friday by the Salisbury District Hospital. The 45-year-old man and his 44-year-old partner, Dawn Sturgess, had been taken to the clinic at the end of June for poisoning in Nowitschok. The woman died in mid-July.

The highly toxic neurotoxic agent appeared to have reached the victims in a bottle of perfume. That's what Rowley's brother told the BBC on Monday. His brother Charlie told him that he picked up the perfume vial somewhere and that he got sick, Matthew Rowley told the broadcaster

British Interior Minister Sajid Javid thanked all concerned forces at the Salisbury District Hospital for their work in the second case of Nowitschok. (July 8, 2018) Image: NHS / EPA / Keystone

This information is in line with a report from the British Press Association (PA), according to which investigators suspect that the woman herself is the only poison sprayed on her skin. Police assume that the deceased woman was exposed to ten times the amount of Nowitschok as Skripals.

The police did not want to confirm the details of the perfume bottle. She maintained her statement Friday that the poison had been found in a "little bottle" in Rowley's home in Amesbury, in southern England. There Rowley and his girlfriend Sturgess were exposed to a "high dose" of poison.

Briton died after poisoning Nowitschok: The Reuters report a day after the death message. (9 July 2018) Video: Reuters

According to investigators, the case will likely be related to the poisoning of former Russian agent Sergej Skripal and his daughter Julia in March. They have barely escaped death and are now living in a secret place.

Police identified suspects in the Skripal case

The PA news agency reported on Thursday that British police had identified several Russians as responsible for the crime. attacks scripts. The evaluation of surveillance videos led investigators to track suspects, the AP wrote, citing circles of investigators.

The investigators are "certain" that the identified are Russians. According to investigators compared video recordings of surveillance cameras with entry logs from the time of the attack to identify suspects.

Chronology of the two cases of Nowitschok in pictures

Moreover, CNN, citing investigators, reported that a total of two Russian suspects had been identified. Shortly after the poisonous attack, British services in Cyprus intercepted an encrypted message from Moscow that the two Russians had left Britain soon after the attack.

Scotland Yard did not want to comment on the information at AFP's request. If the reports were confirmed, it would be a major investigative success for the British police

More than 100 diplomats deported

The Skripals had been poisoned at Salisbury, south of the # 39, England, in March. Police officer Nick Bailey also came in contact with the poison. Everyone was recovering from the attack, the scripals are in a secret place. The rare poisoned weapon had been developed in the Soviet Union. Russia has always rejected the allegations of London

The case has caused a serious diplomatic crisis. More than two dozen Western countries have reported more than 100 Russian diplomats. Russia has also reacted with evictions.

(mch / sda / afp)

created: 20.07.2018, 20:37

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