Christoph Blocher at a rally in September 1995 in Zurich. Image: KEYSTONE
Switzerland in the European trap: why the SVP won
Negotiators have a favorable framework agreement with the EU
extract. Nevertheless, it could fail in the Bundesrat. the
Please have made impossible a sensitive debate on Europe.
The last one probably
The rescue attempt failed Tuesday. Three federal councilors
(Alain Berset, Ignazio Cassis, Johann Schneider-Ammann) met
with the social partners, um about the negotiated
Framework agreement with the The EU to advise. The already weak luck of
a breakthrough did not materialize. Trade unions
pioneered hard on the accompanying measures, as well as the
Business representatives were skeptical.
It will always be
more likely that the framework agreement already in the Bundesrat
will crash, maybe already in Friday's session.
Cassis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, can probably only count on Schneider-Ammann and Doris
Counting Leuthard, both leaving their posts. SP members
Alain Berset and Simonetta Sommaruga would have the case
basically lawyer. They say however that they feared a
Defeated in Parliament or at the latest by referendum.
The rescue attempt of Ignazio Cassis, Alain Berset and Johann Schneider-Ammann was futile. Image: KEYSTONE
Are not allowed
fears no, because even outside of politics outweigh the
negative feedback. The biggest party in the country is still
in principle against any kind of rapprochement with the European Union
Union. After the battle for his initiative of self-determination in
Last Sunday, in some media, a crisis of SVP
The stupidity of SVP
In fact, it is
the party for some time in the form of stockings. And yet, the SVP has
won, and triumphant. She has with her rise of
Young partner in the Federal Council, the clear leader
that a reasonable discussion of foreign and European
Switzerland has become almost impossible. An example is the
United Nations Migration Pact.
He became the subject
only when the SVP is opposed to it during a press conference of all the tubes
drawn. After that, the center's politicians rocked line by line. In the
During this session, the pact on migration will be discussed in Parliament and
completely sunk or pushed on the long bench. It's annoying
but no tragedy in the face of resistance in other countries.
He looks completely different
to the framework agreement. Its content is secret, but the details are
leak. They suggest that it is "Some
Successful negotiations of Switzerland »as the NZZ writes.
Secretary of State and Chief Negotiator for Europe, Roberto Balzaretti
seems to have managed in Brussels important concessions
We explain the institutional framework agreement
Video: Lea Senn, Angelina Graf
As a result, if
Framework agreement on the five main market access agreements
stay limited In the "dynamic" takeover control of
EU law gives Switzerland more time. And even some
Accompanying measures may maintain them even if
attenuated form. Thus, the registration deadline for foreigners
Businesses have shortened from eight to four days.
Petitioner at the EU
If that
Ask for information, Switzerland has thought a lot
achieved. As a non-EU member of the EEA, she is in a position to access the
Single European Market the petitioner. It's economical
much more dependent on the EU than the other way around. however
indicates all that the framework contract is sunk.
In the parliament
Only a few support such an agreement. Their belongs to them
Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, rejected candidate at the Federal Council of the CVP
and Chair of the National Council's Foreign Policy Commission: "I wish to institutionalize our relations
with the EU to save the bilateral way in the long run. "
The EU at the longest leverage
An alternative
she does not agree, she is convinced. "Brexit shows that the
The EU stays on the lever longer. "As President of the Chamber of Commerce
Schneider-Schneiter is aware of the importance of a good Basel
Agreement with neighboring countries. Nevertheless, she should be with her
words of admonition in the federal palace
can not be heard.
The unions give the tariff to the Bundesrat. Image: KEYSTONE
"It's that
First Vice-President deserves other parties to be critical of the EU
", says party leader Christoph Blocher in an interview with CH
Media in focus. We can go further in his statement: without the blindness of the First Vice-President, the left would be in European politics
a much weaker situation. But also SP and
Unions associate with accompanying measures
Defend wage dumping without considering losses.
The storm is approaching
The EU is currently
not at its best while Switzerland is doing well. It seduces
a certain arrogance and a decrease in the
negative consequences of a failure, such as "retaliatory measures" on the part of the EU.
Karin, candidate for the FDP State Council and Federal Council
Keller-Sutter did not rule out in the interview with the NZZ that Switzerland had to pay "a price in the form of some harassment". "Maybe we just have to bear it," she says.
Council of Hans States
Wicki, his rival in the party for the succession of Johann
Schneider-Ammann, it looks less reckless. A no to a
The framework agreement will have its price, he said
Tamedia Newspapers: "I'm afraid the storm
imminent ".
Former general manager of a global company, he knows the economic context. Also National Councilor Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter
believe that this will "massively embrace the economy".
The "Paper K" disaster
In the
According to the "NZZ am Sonntag", the federal administration is supposed to circulate a "K paper", which possible punitive actions of the EU
listsThis includes not only the refusal to
Market equivalence, but also a disadvantage of Switzerland
research and update the bilateral agreement on
technical barriers to trade.
The medical industry could suffer traps from the EU. Image: KEYSTONE
Already in early 2017
the EU had "frozen" this treaty to the detriment of the Swiss economy. Today, according to "Schweiz am Wochenende", the important sector of medical technology could be affected. the
The regulation in this area should be updated in 2019. is
If this is not the case, there are risks of access to the EU market and other
Job losses.
Brussels warning signals
Switzerland would be in
such a case largely impotent. Is there a risk of escalation?
or even a "trade war" with the EU, it can only lose.
This leads to a suspicion: having Brussels
Swiss negotiator deliberately concluded favorable contract
granted, because they knew that it was resistance anyway
would fail from left to right?
The proof of that
Of course there is not, but in Brussels, no Naivlinge,
but boiled of professionals, the debate in Switzerland on
Follow the most accurate. The temptation for them should be great, the
Switzerland in the trap. You just have to wait
until the Federal Council strikes them a slight blow
Negotiations begin.
On the warning signals
do not miss. During my visit to Brussels at the beginning of the summer,
to hear them clearly. " Yes
If it does not work this year, I would not assume that
Everything else will come out, "said one of the participants at the talks
trusted person. In addition, some occurrences of the last days
to make EU skeptics think in this country.
Patience is short
" I
I've always announced for Switzerland, but at some point
comes the moment of the decision. It's now, "said
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in the NZZ.
This is a sure sign that not only in Brussels, but
patience with Switzerland for the EU member states too
Switches. And who wants to seriously claim that Brexit is part of it?
A model for Switzerland's future relations with the EU?
Cassis is not to be envied. He and Roberto Balzaretti did
what they could. He delayed his unfortunate predecessor Didier
Burkhalter, who has let the reins drag on too long. He too was under the spell of the threat scene. Now threatening
The worst of cases. If this agreement fails, the Swiss side could possibly be forced to withdraw from pure distress
will be much worse.
would not be necessary if you could discuss it reasonably
like the protection of wages in Switzerland with also a weakening of the
Accompanying measures can be secured. And you do not
of the SVP in the fencing horn. The rejection of her
The initiative suggests that people can be smarter and
is more clairvoyant than his representatives in Bern.
The Federal Council could impose such a debate on the
Corrugated frame agreement. Maybe he's taking his time
until his new members are elected. You must pay the decision. Currently, it looks more like that
Switzerland does not run away from ruin, but in
coarser calamities.
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