"From Turkey's point of view, these are only Turkish nationals" – Switzerland: standard


Mr. Ambassador, why are seven Turkish and Turkish nationals partially prevented from leaving Turkey for months?
After the coup attempt of the state two years ago, Turkey imposed the state of emergency. As a result, various measures have been taken. Among other things, the passes have been blocked. But the state of emergency will be lifted on July 18th.

These seven victims and their children can then leave for Switzerland?
Yes. (Editor's note: By authorizing the interview, the Embassy added the following two sentences, so it partially rejects the statements.) However, my statements concern only the Swiss-Turkish double citizens who do not depart as an administrative measure in the context of the state of emergency allowed. People who have been banned from traveling abroad for a court order will obviously need a new court order to lift the ban on passports.

Do you think they will be separated from their beloved for months against their will? This is an extraordinary step taken after a coup attempt that has left many dead and wounded.

Why are these people detained? Are they suspected of being close to the Gülen movement, which is now considered a terrorist organization in Fetö, Turkey?
I do not know individual cases.

Why are Swiss diplomats not allowed to provide consular protection for detainees in Turkey?
From Turkey's point of view, these persons are only Turkish nationals.

It is suspected that Turkey intends to intimidate the Turkish critical community of Erdogan by means of exit bans and other repressive measures. What do you say about that?
I have commented on this topic several times. This is not true. The reason for these measures was the state of emergency.

Several Turkish citizens living abroad were taken to Turkey under dubious circumstances. In late summer 2016, according to Swiss investigations, two senior employees of the embassy in Bern participated in the preparation of a kidnapping of a Swiss-Turkish entrepreneur. Plans have not been implemented because a person is out. What do you say to that?
The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected this accusation. We have no information that such an abduction has been planned. We only know media reports. In this case, we were not contacted by the Swiss authorities. We only know that the federal prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation.

The Swiss federal prosecutor recently called on the two Turkish diplomats to be arrested for alleged kidnapping.
We do not have any information about this either. We only confirmed that there is an investigation. We reject this accusation completely. No one from the Turkish embassy was involved in such acts. If the Swiss authorities want to do something useful, they should act against those who are involved in feto and PKK activities. This is a clear message to the Swiss government

Our newspaper confirmed to the federal prosecutor that there were arrest warrants against the two Turkish diplomats.
We did not share this information. We would refuse such allegations.

It has been proven that both diplomats participated in secret meetings in a cemetery and in front of a garage in the Zurich Oberland. What did they do there?
These are nothing more than media reports.

"Swiss authorities should act against those involved in PKK operations."

There are pictures of the cemetery meeting.
We have no records. If it is believed that there is evidence, we should share the documents with us

And why did the two employees of the Embassy leave Switzerland?
Their tenure at the embassy in Bern has ended as planned. Are they still working for the Turkish state?

Yes. In Turkey.

However, no official information can be found on them. Why not?
In order not to compromise their safety, I am not authorized to provide specific information. They continue to work in the Turkish administration, one in the intelligence service

According to Turkey, several PKK members live in Switzerland. They criticized the local authorities for doing too little in this area. Why?
In several cases, we asked Switzerland to extradite terrorists. But she refuses.

There is a controversy over advertisements in Swiss train stations at the imprisonment of the PKK Öcalan leader. What is the stand?
Yes, in the stations of Zurich, Bern and Basel, advertisements "Free Öcalan" were posted. Öcalan is a terrorist for us. When we asked if the paid ads could be deleted, Swiss officials replied that it was not possible. There is freedom of expression.

And then?
A Swiss-Turkish umbrella company then wanted to display advertisements with statements of PKK victims. SBB refused. They said that it endangered public order. For us, these are double standards. As a result, the parent company made representations in a Zurich court. I say just because I am addressed. However, my mission as an ambassador is to focus on a positive agenda and to bring our bilateral relations to an even higher level.

How are you going to do it?
We are not happy that such negative exist in Switzerland Reports will be published on our country, President Erdogan, our embassy and the Turkish community in Switzerland. To clarify misunderstandings and other things, we are happy to provide such interviews.

The Turks in Switzerland complain that they can not renew their papers at their embassy. Why that?
The passports were closed due to the state of emergency. But that too will be finished next week.

There are reports from the Kurdish and German media that you were an important representative of the MIT secret service in Germany
(laughs) I also read that.

Is this true?
It's fictional. I am a career diplomat. Anyone can read my resume


Date created: 14.07.2018, 09:46

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