Genic twins shock the world


A Chinese scientist announces the birth of two genetically modified babies. This causes horror around the world.

Chinese scientist He Jiankui (34) has been unleashed with gene scissors. Under his leadership, the first genetically modified babies in the world were born. In any case, the molecular biologist claims it himself.

Martin Jinek, 39, who participated in the development of the "scissors gene" (Crispr / Cas9 method) and is currently conducting research at the University of Zurich, strongly condemns the actions of his Chinese colleague. The reason: human embryos are actually taboo for such experiments.

Immune against AIDS?

The Crispr / Cas9 method, used since 2012, makes it possible to program the genetic material of living organisms. Genes can be modified, activated or deactivated and supplemented or replaced by foreign components. Jinek describes an application of this technology to embryos as "extremely irresponsible".

Researcher He defended his genetic genes yesterday at a genome research convention in Hong Kong. The identity of the girls named Lulu and Nana is secret. According to the scientist, the goal of modifying their genome was to make babies immune to AIDS.

For the experiments, he had eight healthy women to produce children with their men infected with HIV. In the end, one of the couples had twins. "I'm really proud of this particular case," he said in a crowded room.

Another woman is pregnant

Then, the Chinese scientist went one step further: as part of the experiments, a second woman became pregnant. However, the pregnancy is still in its infancy and we must see if it will last.

The researcher He was also exposed to severe criticism at the congress. It has been argued that science must do more to help people with diseases.

The Chinese had crossed a red line with the genetic manipulation of embryos, so scissors gene discoverer content. Zurich researcher Jinek, who worked with inventor Jennifer Doudna, told BLICK: "This approach is at odds with the existing consensus in the world of research."

Unforeseen long-term effects in ten to 20 years

There is no scientific publication on the project. He bluffs however, according to Jinek, he is unlikely. "If I see what the Chinese scientist has presented, history seems credible to me."

After all, it's a good sign that the twins are born healthy. Jinek: "Nevertheless, unforeseen long-term consequences could occur in ten to twenty years."

Jinek does not believe that anything like superhumans will be bred with gene scissors in the near future. Already, changing the size or color of the eyes requires a simultaneous adjustment of different genes. "We still do not understand the genetic basis of these properties," said the scientist.

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