Get rid of pimples: First aid with anti-button alarm: Here are the 8 best tips against stained skin


If blackheads sprout and an important date is waiting, quick help against pimples is needed. Read here, what simple tips really help against pimples.

The pimples are for many teenagers in the troubles of puberty. Some even have impure skin in their early twenties. Since then, can play even real small dramas. For example, if a date with the sexiest ultimate boy is outstanding and it produces a thick red button in the middle of the forehead. Aaaarg! Fortunately, there are many home remedies for pimples that can help quickly in case of an emergency.

The best first-aid advice against pimples

  • Ice cube: You can greatly speed up the healing process if you cool the affected area, for example with an ice cube.

  • All kinds of stains: There are various home remedies that you can dab on the pimples to make them swell. Tea tree oil, nettle tea, argan oil or a blend of apple cider vinegar and water have anti-inflammatory effects. Also good is the zinc ointment. It allows the pimples to heal quickly. Alternatively, you can simply take the good old Penaten cream. It also contains zinc and healing panthenol.

  • blanket: If the date is too close and you do not want to move it, help us cover it. Antibacterial masking pens are good because they fight the button at the same time. Or you can use a green concealer as quick help against the buttons. Green is the complementary color of red, that's why you can cover the buttons perfectly with the green tone. The best way to spread the corrector or corrector is with a Q tip, so that the result is beautifully homogeneous. To repair, you can give mineral powder on it.

And do not worry, your loved one will probably not see the button! For you, the monster is much worse and bigger than the button.

It's better, of course, than in general, you do not get pimples. If you constantly follow a few simple tips against pimples, your skin will become clearer and you will not have to worry about the date.

Even more home remedies that help against pimples can be found here.

8 tips that help fight against pimples

1. masks

There are many natural remedies that make anti-pimple masks. For example, healing earth. Anti-inflammatories and degreasers. You can buy healing clay in powder form and simply mix it with water or buy a ready mask. The masks of the Dead Sea that regulate the production of sebum with their salt are also interesting. You can apply both masks once a week.

2nd hammam

A steam bath opens the pores of the skin. This allows the bacteria to disappear and fewer pimples are produced in the long run. The cheapest option is the one with the towel on the bowl of boiling water. You can, for example, add chamomile flowers as a home remedy for pimples.

3. nutrition

A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important for a clean skin. Avoid junk food, too much fat and sugar. In addition, cigarettes and alcohol are not good for the skin. A good tip against pimples is to take more temporary zinc tablets and vitamin B5. Please discuss this with your dermatologist in advance.

4. good makeup

It is best to let the skin "breathe", so do not wear makeup. Ok, it's hard to do. But if it needs to be made up, choose products with the note "non-comedogenic". They do not clog the pores. And always wear makeup!

5. Do not express

Do not express the buttons! Otherwise, you risk scarring. In addition, pimples can ignite and bacteria spread. With that, you only make things worse. You can have blackheads removed in a beauty salon.

6. No aggressive cleaning products

The more you irritate the skin, the more pimples you have. Therefore, use a mild soap-free washing emulsion. and an alcohol-free toner for cleaning.

7. hygiene

Change yours The pillow cover every three to four days and the facial towel are best every day. You can also use disposable wipes. Disinfect the screen of your smartphone several times a day. Otherwise, you will repeatedly transfer bacteria to the skin of your face.

8. Anti-baby pill

some Anti-baby pills have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. But that does not work for all girls. Considering that the pill is an important intervention in the hormonal balance and that it also has side effects, this step should be well thought out. Please discuss the matter with your gynecologist.

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