Grasser: The former minister does not trust online banking


In the process of corruption surrounding the privatization of Buwog and the hiring of financing in the Linzer Terminal Tower today, the first defendant, the former Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser, once again explained why a deposit of 500,000 euros in the Meinl The bank did not want proof of payment. That had never interested him, in case of doubt, everything is stored in the bank anyway, Grasser said.

Judge Marion Hohenecker then recalled the possibility of electronic banking, whereupon Grasser said that it was not useful. If a hacker enters his account, he is responsible for the damage.

The ringing of mobile phones caused the resentment of the judge

The former digital minister was more expert in mobile phones. After Grasser's lawyer Manfred Ainedter had grumbled the judge's resentment on his cell phone rings ("this interruption is unreasonable") and sometime later he also rang the second defendant Walter Meischberger, Grasser said that he now knew that there was a button on the mobile phone for airplane mode there. Replica Hohenecker: "Please tell Mr. Meischberger and Dr. Ainedter."

Grass of Praise for Hohenecker

It was striking how much Grasser congratulated the judge today, even though she drew her attention to the contradictions in her statements made. At least one compliment was given by the president. "You have studied law well, you can put that out of action," says the judge, who has so far also shone with detailed knowledge of the prosecution and documents.

But with the courtesies it was once again, Grasser again to the prosecutor. It was so naive to believe that the Crown had assessed both incriminating and relaxing charges, but that was not the case.

Griller assured the official that the importation was prohibited

Judge Hohenecker took the lead defendant's way of money through. First, Grasser had personally personally brought the money in cash installments from Switzerland to Austria. Earlier, the then Minister of Finance had called another Finance Ministry official who had assured him that this import of liquidity into Austria was legally allowed. There was no reporting requirement like today, said Grasser.

500,000 euros transferred

Then he brought the money in cash to Meinl Bank, where he knew the former bank manager Julius Meinl well. This had presented him with a trustee. In July 2005, a banker transferred 500,000 euros into his account at Ferint AG in Meinl Bank. The investment of money has been taken over by Meinl Bank. With the money, various Meinl securities were purchased.

As the money came from his Swiss family, he thought that a Swiss company, the Ferint AG, would be perfect, Grasser said today. He did not know a Swiss bank and the money was then deposited with a Swiss company in an Austrian bank. Assets have also grown well.

The judge asks exactly

Here, the judge has checked: has he obtained statements of deposit? No, said Grasser, during his visit to the bank, he asked about the development of the account. Strictly speaking, the bank should not have given him any information, but only Ferint AG, countered the judge. Grasser then said, after all, he was then Minister of Finance and the whole thing was from the Meinl Bank to him a "service", or even his family compared. Because of the amount of investment, 500,000 euros, it was probably below the perceptual threshold of the private bank, but "stood at the border of attention is the then Minister of Finance "said Grasser. As a result, he also obtained information on asset development. However, he never received statements of deposit

In December 2006, while Grasser was still Minister of Finance, Grasser used the money to invest in a certificate of participation of Hypo Alpe Adria. That was his idea, because Hypo-Investor Tilo Berlin told him about the possibility. The correspondence then ran on the email of co-defendant Walter Meischberger. Grasser justified this by saying that he wanted to separate the hypo-investment from his departmental affairs. Before the beginning of the year, he apparently signed the Profit Sharing Certificate, until mid-January 2007 he was still Minister of Finance.

Grasser did not have access to the Mandarin Account

Grasser also figures on a list of hypo-investors. He was not a member of the advisory committee, but held a conference as a premier before investors, he said today. Officially, it was an investment of Meinl Bank – Ferint AG.

Hypo-Alpe-Adria investment was very profitable for investors – including Grasser – and the money increased to more than 700,000 euros. In August 2008, the money from the certificate of participation was credited to the account of the company Mandarin mailbox. With the previous investment income of Meinl Bank, it was 800,000 euros

This Mandarin account belonged to its Swiss asset manager Norbert Wicki, so Grasser. He did not have access to the account, he was not allowed to sign. On the Mandarin account, three assets were mixed, according to the judge: Wicki money, Walter Meischberger money from the privatization of Buwog and the 800,000 euros from Grasser. According to the prosecutors, the money does not come from Meischberger, but from Grasser in the privatization of Buwog – which Mr. Grasser denies. The mixture of this money with Grasser's "mother-in-law" at the Mandarin sees the pursuit as a burden. Grasser remarked that he did not know what had happened on the Mandarin account. From there, he had his family's money transferred to the Catherine Participation Corporation.

In the morning, the senate of the judge deliberated on the recovery of files concerning the lawyer co-defendant Gerald Toifl. His defense lawyer and Grasser advocate, Norbert Wess, objected to the use of these files because they thought they had been brought too late by the economic prosecutor and of corruption. The lawyer of Toifl was a lawyer. The WKStA rejected the allegations.

+++ All events can be read here on page 2 +++

Thank you for reading! Tomorrow we continue

Grasser as the economic owner of the account Ferint at the bank Meinl

"From the point of view of Ferint AG Grasser is the trustee and therefore the beneficial owner", writes a director of Ferint in a letter more long.

Meinl Bank no longer knew who was financially responsible for the Ferints account

After Grasser's mother-in-law had not been declared beneficial owner of the Ferint account at Meinl Bank during a major audit , Meinl Bank did not know who The account Ferint belongs, it was said in a letter from the bank in 2012.

Grasser: Learned a lot by the procedure

Today, if his father lends him to the money he would put in place a loan agreement, says Grasser. He was happy that his financial advisor had signed a contract for the Ferint-Mandarin transfer.

"I do not make a bank online because of the danger of hackers"

… Grasser about his banking activity

Original Ferint Trust Agreement

"I did not not found the document with me.It could be in the possession of the trustee, "says Grasser.In private, he has" a deposit much worse and sloppy "compared to his professional ranking.

The trustee wants to close the account Ferint at Meinl Bank in February 2009

"This connection" must be "liquidated and eliminated as quickly as possible", wrote the trustee in an email in February 2009. He knew nothing about it. Syndic, says Grasser The Ferint account of the Meinl bank then existed for another year

Grasser: After referral to Mandarin no more collection of the account Ferint

784 000 euros were transferred from Ferint to Mandarin, says Grasser He released the trustee the use of the remaining amount of the Ferint account for an amount of 18,000 euros.

Judge: Only 15.01.2010 there was an identification of Ferint AG

At that time there was no longer any fiduciary relationship with Ferint AG, says Grasser. This non-identification of the beneficial owner of Swiss Ferint AG had already been criticized by the Financial Market Authority (FMA), said Judge Marion Hohenecker.

OeNB auditors question Meinl Bank and Trustee about Ferint AG

The attorney does not want to disclose the owner of Ferint AG to the examiners of the National Bank (OeNB). Generally, he does not want to give details about Swiss Ferint AG.

The Autorité des marchés financiers examined the Meinl Bank

In 2007/08, I noticed that Meinl Bank was audited by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA), says Grasser . Meinl International Power then had a supervisory board mandate.

The judge raises the question of why Meischberger's money from the Buwog commission, Wicki manager's money and the Grasser family's money (stepmother) were mixed up? "I would do that too." He did not know all that, otherwise he would not have done so. But he is very emotionally opposed to the fact that everything is assigned to him – for example, the Mandarin Trust Company, where this account was. "It's really a wickedness!", Exclaims Grasser almost.

He himself has never enjoyed a penny of this money – Schweigermutter's money plus investment success – says Grasser. "I have a hard time talking about it – all this has become a derision in recent years, but why should I transfer $ 784,000 to my wife's wealthy family if it was my money?"

Himself At the time, I did not have much money to personally invest in Hypo participation certificates. It was therefore clear that he made this predisposition for his family.

If the predisposition had failed and made a profit, he would have been more embarrassed than with his own money, says Grasser. "In the end, I was able to increase the 500,000 that I took in 2006 until 2008 at around 780,000 euros." So a great investment success, says Grasser.

The subject under discussion is the purchase of Hypo participation certificates for investment Schweigermutter. I've talked to investor Tilo Berlin about his entry-level projects at Hypo, says Grasser. And asked him if he was interested or knew other investors. Grasser reported this to his interlocutors at the Meinl bank – who also considered this a good idea. For this, existing investments had to be dissolved – again 500,000 euros were available.

Whether it is normal, that we do not get the filing statements, but that we ask the bank, the judge asks. Not rare, says Grasser.

And why did not he invest his mother-in-law's money directly with Meinl Bank, but with Ferint? He just wanted to separate investment from this money strictly from everything else, says Grasser. He now describes that it was probably not without stretching / is with his stepmother. "If she gives the money and says you charge it now, it was clear that there was no contradiction, so you should know my mother-in-law …" [19659047WhatassessmentdidGrasserhimselfhaveinmindforhismother-in-law'smoneyasksthejudge?

He had thought a lot, but the mandate was handed over to Meinl Bank. He had seen on the Depotauszügen what had been bought.

Cash deposits of money from the mother-in-law

The judge again addresses the cash contributions of part of the currency of the mother-in-law (100,000 euros in several installments) by Grasser to the account of Meinl Bank. How much time has passed between the transfer of money and the deposit on the account? He does not know it anymore, says Grasser.

Now, KHG insists again and again on the fact that mother's mother's money has nothing to do with Buwog: "The 500,000 can not do business with Buwog or the Terminal Tower. This money is not really relevant to the procedure – I only want to say it once.

The documents in question date from 2002. At the time, he had no connection with this trust company Ferint, says Grasser. It has nothing to do with him.

Now the judge casts a sign of Meinl's signature on the wall. Does Grasser know the men who appear there? No, said Grasser. He has never seen the paper.

Grasser handed the money over to Meinl Bank. What does that mean? Asks the judge. He knew the bank of his own customer relationship. And Julius Meinl himself recommended him the investment structure. "I was sure the money would be well spent there – and that's what happened," Grasser says.

The judge returns to the mother-in-law's money. She calls it "the money of a Swiss citizen". Why was this the case for Ferint in Switzerland? And why about an Austrian bank?

Grasser states that he lives in Austria and has no connection with Swiss banks. The way of the disposition of the bank Meinl was recommended to him.

The time of opening envelopes at the notary is the one on which the numbers of the bidders are first in one place, the judge asks.

Grasser asserts that,

The locked envelopes were to be delivered to the office of a notary, Grasser describes the process of calling bids for Buwog: "No one, other than the bidders, would could know what offer there was there. "

Grasser. He himself was not present when opening the envelopes. The judge now asks what figures were sent to him after the envelopes were opened.

Grasser made some additions at the beginning. "I've been thinking about the last three days of negotiations and I would like to add some details," he says. This is the amount of the offer for the Buwog in both rounds of auctions.

Resolutions on the motions of the Grasser Lawyer are still reserved – It is the lawyers' preparation time.

Judge says the relevant documents would not be included in the current interrogation Grassers

The judge asks if Grasser has waived the adjournment – he says.

Marion Hohenecker adds that their questions are not controversial documents.

Now she continues her interrogation

Judge: The request of the lawyer of Toifl rejected

The defendants and the non-professional judges are back

© APA / Schlager

These are prosecutors Marchart (left) and Denk (right), who had to listen to a lot of criticism today.

Proceedings of Senate of Judge continue

In fact, he should have continued at 11:15.

KHG is gone today

Karl-Heinz Grasser seems pretty relaxed. Unlike usual, he was out in the courtyard for a while, arguing with his supporters.

The hearing room fills up again

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the judge and the Senate – and how will decide the applications.

According to new evidence

Defenders want The court informed the prosecutor of their approach in the Toifl report. That would make the game of Grasser and defenders. She will later say that the process was among others. because of this reason it should not have been right.

The judge's senate counsels applications until 11:15 am

Applications would be reviewed by the judge's senate, according to Judge Marion Hohenecker. The trial was suspended until 11:15

Public Ministry: Fully Admissible Assessment

The evaluation of Toifl data was "fully admissible" because there had been a preliminary investigation open, replied the prosecutor Alexander Marchart.

Toifl's lawyer files an application for rejection of the WKStA registration: The WKStA may reject the submission of the WKStA by the WKStA, says the legal representative of the accused lawyer, Gerald Toifl , in an application

Revision of the procedure of WKStA

The addition of the report Toifl, with more than 1200 pages of indictment shortly before the hearing of today. Hui, violated the right to defense and the right to adequate preparation time, said Norbert Wess. The judge of the Senate must revise the procedure of the WKStA, because a "flagrant violation" of article 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was committed, asks Wess in his petition

The lawyer Grasser criticizes WKStA's actions

The Office of the Prosecutor for Economics and Corruption) added an indictment of electronic data to co-defendant lawyer Gerald Toifl in June. The Landespolizeidirektion Eisenstadt had already written a report of more than 1,000 pages on the Toifl data. The defense has not been informed of this procedure, criticized Grasser Norbert Wess's lawyer

Judge Marion Hohenecker opens the day of bargaining

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Television cameramen and photographers have to leave the room.

Welcome to the LIVETICKER!

oe24 accompanies you for the 44th day of the trial around Grasser. Today, the former Minister of Finance is questioned further.

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