Handling problem cases – New chapter of Swiss asylum policy – News



A center for rejected asylum seekers opens its doors in Les Verrières. Residents had deposited reservations in advance.

Its official name is a special federal center: it is intended to accommodate difficult and agitated asylum seekers. No serious offenders, but troublemakers who did not abide by the rules of the normal federal asylum center, massively disrupted the operation, harassed other asylum seekers and became a security problem. And who have been repeatedly caught in the use of drugs, dodges or robberies.

You can not reward them for being unpleasant.

In the future, such problems must be brought to the center of Verrieres, a remote region of the Neuchâtel Jura. The center is deliberately open in such an area, says Esther Maurer, head of the asylum applications department of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM).

"For us, it is important that this special center is really used for asylum seekers who do not respond," explains Maurer. "And they can not be rewarded for being unpleasant – that's why it's important that these centers be away from the urban environment."

Esther Mason

Esther Maurer, head of asylum at the State Secretariat for Migration.


Asylum seekers returning home must come to the special center for 14 days. There are stricter rules than in a normal asylum home.

Although asylum seekers may also leave the center. Break times are more limited. You can also participate in employment programs, such as helping with forestry or cleaning paths. But you will not receive pocket money, but only benefits in kind, such as cigarettes, shower gel or extra food.

Start with "only" 20 men

During the first year of activity, a maximum of 20 asylum seekers will be accommodated at the Renitent Center of Verrières, then the capacity will be gradually increased. There are only men, no women, no minors. In the village population, of course, there were big reservations about such a center. That's why they set up a group of escorts, explains Pierre-Alain Ruffieux, head of the region of asylum seekers in western Switzerland.

Pierre-Alain Ruffieux

Pierre-Alain Ruffieux, head of the asylum region in Western Switzerland at the SEM.


In addition to the community representatives, two people from the immediate vicinity of the center were also included in this support group. It is an open and direct dialogue. To ensure security, the special center also has many more security and support staff than the usual asylum centers.

German-speaking Switzerland is still waiting

And the public can call 24/7 to report suspicious issues or comments. Nevertheless, security issues around a detainee's deterrence center can not be solved so quickly. Until now, it has not been possible to locate such a center in German-speaking Switzerland.

But Esther Maurer admits: "For the moment, I suppose that many cantons look at Les Verrières with a critical eye, and if the conditions are met and if the population can support them, there will remain interested cantons" The operation will be closely monitored authorities and experts during an evaluation.

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