Hans Wicki, FDP candidate, in live chat


He is the geek candidate of the FDP at the headquarters of the Federal Council. But Hans Wicki is combative. Ask your questions to the Nidwalder State Council – live from BLICK at 10 am

December 5th is a showdown. Then, two seats in the Bundesrat will be filled: those of the Federal Councilor of CVP, Doris Leuthard (55 years), and those of the Federal Councilor, Johann Schneider-Ammann (66 years).

The election is of great importance – the composition of the state government is decisive for the policy of the next years. Will the path of the bourgeoisie be strengthened or will the Bundesrat switch to the left?

Johann Schneider-Ammann wants to inherit the Council of States of St. Gallen, Karin Keller-Sutter (54) and the Council of States of Nidwalden, Hans Wicki (54).

Wickis Motto: "Make it impossible possible"

But who are these candidates? How packaged is his backpack for the office? What are your political orientations? Where do you see the most urgent challenges for our country? And how do you relax after a hard day in government?

Blick has all the candidates in live chat. The beginning is today at 10 o'clock Hans Wicki (54). The Council of States Uri is the geek candidate par excellence, rival Karin Keller-Sutter surpasses everything. After the hearing yesterday, more clear. The FDP supports almost unanimously the St. Gallen state councilor, Keller-Sutter. In addition, 38 parliamentarians will give him a voice.

But Wicki is fighting. His motto: "Make it impossible". But why are you doing this?

The BLICK Bundeshaus editorial team feels the pulse of Hans Wicki. You can follow the discussions live on Blick.ch and ask your questions yourself, either through reader comments or on Facebook.

Dossier: Elections to the Federal Council 2018

Candidates, magic formula, night of long knives

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