Heat damage at Hannover Airport – News Panorama: Miscellaneous


After the suspension of several hours because of heat damage can begin from the airport of Hanover from Wednesday morning airmen. Flight operations could be resumed from 6:00 am, the airport said at night. The first check-in counters should therefore open at 15:00

"We are happy to be able to start again," said an airport spokesman in the morning. Passengers should consult their airline or tour operator regarding the status of their flight.

Flight operations were interrupted Tuesday night, as during the great summer heat, many of the North Railway's plates had been raised. According to a spokesman for the airport, the closure has affected 41 departures and 44 landings.

Guests were invited to return home. First and foremost, many families wanted to leave Hanover for their summer holidays.

"There was no chaos here," the spokesman said. Hanover is not Hamburg not a major transit airport. In the evening, several hundred people waited outside the counter of the airline to inquire about the situation.

According to figures from the German Meteorological Service, 35.6 degrees were measured Tuesday in Barsinghausen-Hohenbostel in the Hanover area. Temperatures of 30 to 36 degrees are expected Wednesday in Germany

Traffic in Paris is limited

In the fight against dangerous nitrogen oxides, traffic in the Paris region will be restricted Wednesday and Thursday. As announced by the police prefecture, particularly polluting vehicles are no longer allowed to circulate in an area bounded by the belt of the A86 motorway.

This affects the city of Paris and a suburban crown. A year and a half ago, Paris introduced a polluting plate system, based on pollution levels.

In the Paris region, heat temperatures are expected in the coming days. The authorities called on citizens to be particularly concerned.

Yosemite National Park Closed

Forest fires in California, California for nearly two weeks, have resulted in the partial closure of the famous Yosemite National Park out. According to the Tuesday Park Administration, all visitors must leave the Yosemite Valley and adjacent areas by noon Wednesday.

Hotels and campgrounds will be closed until further notice. Some access routes are also affected. At least until Sunday, the suspension should continue.
Known for its granite walls and waterfalls, the Yosemite Valley attracts more than three million visitors every year. Since the beginning of the fire in the Sierra National Forest, to the west of the park, the area is surrounded by thick smoke. Despite a massive fight against fires, the so-called Ferguson fire is contained only at 25%. The flames destroyed more than 14,000 hectares of forest, as firefighters announced Tuesday.

The fire was declared near the village of El Portal, 300 kilometers east of San Francisco. , The vegetation suffers from a persistent drought and a parasitic infestation. (chk / sda)

created: 25.07.2018, 05:34

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