Heat in Canada demands 33 dead – News Panorama: Various


The number of victims of a heat wave in Quebec City, Canada, rose to 33. On Thursday noon, the CBC television channel, citing health authorities including 18 were killed in Montreal, reported that more deaths were possible. The other deaths have been reported in other parts of the province.

The victims did not have air conditioning at home or health problems. Twelve Montreal victims would be over 65 years old.

"Nobody is immune to the effects of heat, but some are more vulnerable," tweeted the minister of Health, Lucie Charlebois. "We must remain vigilant and make other arrangements," she told the media

. On the night of Friday, according to the authorities, a "cold front" should put an end to the heat.

Firefighters and police officers had visited about 15,000 apartments and houses in recent days to inquire residents. Charlebois has posted on Twitter information about symptoms that indicate health problems associated with heat.

Temperatures in eastern Canada climbed to over 34 degrees Celsius on Wednesday with high humidity. For Thursday, temperatures of up to 35 degrees were expected, nearly ten degrees higher than the usual highs during this period. (oli / sda)

Created: 05.07.2018, 23:24

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