Help from above for shipwrecked people – News International: Europe


The Italians learn in these weeks of great trials and political power games of their new government the names of many ships that cross in the Mediterranean. Aquarius, Lifeline, Open Arms, for example, ships of private aid organizations. These are names like the numbers

For Matteo Salvini Minister of the Interior of the far right Lega, they are probably small trophies. It prevented them all from settling in refugees rescued in an Italian port. If this had been the case, the Diciotti with 67 migrants on board should not have been allowed to land in Sicily – which of course is a case with almost grotesque outlines. The Diciotti is actually a service vessel of the National Coast Guard, the Guardia Costiera. Who embarks, is already in Italy. Nevertheless, a word of authority of the president Sergio Mattarella was necessary to solve the case

"No Libya, no Libya"

The Diciotti folder is an example. He took his course last Sunday off the coast of Libya. A rubber boat with 67 migrants is in distress. Vos Thalassa, a tugboat flying the Italian flag and operated by the Dutch, comes to their aid, as the law of the sea requires.

Vos Thalassa works for the French energy company Total, which carries out oil and gas drilling in the region. The migrants go on board. When they realize that the captain is heading to Libya, where they were previously held in camps instead of Italy, where they want to go, some resist: "No Libya, no Libya," they call. Two migrants threaten the crew to become violent if they do not turn around. The crew turns around and calls the Italian Coast Guard to help him. It supports the migrants

Salvini says that it will not allow these "pirates", these "kidnappers", to settle in Italy

Then Salvini appears. He says that he will not allow these "pirates", these "kidnappers", to land in Italy. The way he speaks, it seems that all 67 migrants have mutinied. The Minister of Defense and the Minister of Transport of Cinque Stelle accuse Salvini of having exceeded his powers; the Coast Guard and the ports are their department. Luigi Di Maio, head of the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister as Salvini, also points out that a ship of its own coast guard, Italy, could not refuse its ports. However, Salvini does not care.

Thursday, Diciotti Trapani arrives in Sicily, while in Innsbruck, he talks with European counterparts on migration policy in Innsbruck. "Handcuffs," the mutineers should be kidnapped, he said, he wanted the first name and the name of the criminals. They were in prison, otherwise no passengers would board the Diciotti, he would take care of it

The Prime Minister overthrew Salvini

Salvini points out that the judicial power in Italy is an independent body; she decides to be handcuffed and kept in jails. Salvini, however, remains inflexible: all day is the Diciotti in the port of Trapani and can not lower the pier.

So what happens in Italy is very rare: the President of the Republic intervenes. Sergio Mattarella calls Giuseppe Conte, the Prime Minister, and informs about the situation on the ship-mission of the National Coast Guard. Then all of a sudden it goes very fast: Conte orders to leave the migrants on the ground.

The Italians should see that Salvini does not back down, that he permeates his hard line.

Thursday evening, 23h. Two police cars with blue lights waiting at the jetty, the TV crews are filming from a distance. A Sudanese and a Ghanaian leave the Diciotti first and are accompanied by the officers of the command, without handcuffs. They are accused of threatening the crew of Vos Thalassa, no one talks about kidnapping.

The dramatic blue light had probably been a condition of Salvini: the Italians should see that he does not succumb to being penetrated by his hard line. Italian media reports that Salvini was deeply irritated by Mattarella's intervention. Officially, it is said that he was "surprised" about it. This is the first time anyone has barred the road since he has, as Minister of the Interior, formed and dominated the entire government. The Cinque site has not yet had the strength to do it. He needed presidential help.


Created: 13.07.2018, 22:28

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