Here's how her twins (2)


For Daniela Büchner, the world is at a standstill after the death of her husband, Jens Büchner. She now tells how terrible this loss is, even for the smallest members of the family.

Jens Buchner died on the evening of November 17 († 49). Since then, everything has changed for his wife Daniela (40). In the TV magazine "Prominent!" On Vox, Daniela now talks about her feelings and family life without her husband. "I'm trying to continue a normal life, at least for the twins, but they feel what's going on here.They sleep all the time, they call the father," she explains in a voice message that publishes the news. You can hear how the mother continues to fight with tears.

Her father, the only two-year-old twins, Jenna Soraya and Diego Armani, are bored with everything. "I told them that dad was the sun, and they always look in the sun and say 'Hello, dad'," continued Daniela Büchner. Heartbreaking words of a widowed woman for the second time.

"I do not sleep at night, I hardly eat, I only work"

The series also reveals how much her husband misses Daniela. "I have a pillow that was on his bed until he died, and I still feel it, then I open my eyes and realize that he's not there I do not sleep at night, I hardly eat, I just work, "she says. For Daniela, not only the husband died, but also his best friend and soul mate, as she explains in tears. Nobody can relieve his grief and suffering: "It's so bad for me, I know that everyone cares about me, but no one looks like him, he was great, he was a great man with all angles and edges. "

Jens Buchner anticipated his death

Even Julia Becker (34 years old), the best friend of the deceased, is very dead. She says that Jens had already guessed before the diagnosis and his stay at the hospital, which is now a sad certainty. "He said that when he was going to the hospital, he would not come back." A week ago, he had said, "I have cancer, I'm going to die," "he said. she also to "Prominent!" (CUE)

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