House of the victims of Nowitschok: other contaminated objects?


British police think that it is possible that next to a small bottle of other items from Nowitschok's house, the victim Charles Rowley (45 years old) in Amesbury ( GB) could be contaminated by neurotoxin. That said to Scotland Yard Saturday.

On Friday, it was learned that the couple Dawn Sturgess († 44) and Charles Rowley (age 45) had come into contact with the neurotoxin with the help of a small bottle. The bottle was among about 400 pieces of evidence taken by home human investigators in Amesbury

The search for Nowitschok poison may take months

A significant number of them could be Nowitschok contaminated, they would now be checked on poison, the police said. Initially, we did not know how the bottle had fallen into the hands of the British couple.

It can not be ruled out that there are more undiscovered containers with Nowitschok or contaminated places. According to a police spokesman, this search could take months

The link with the gas attack of the former spy Skripal

Now it must be determined if the poison comes from the same source that the former Russian spy The spy Sergej Skripal and his daughter Julia were poisoned near Salisbury in March. Investigators consider that it is likely that both cases are related

According to experts, finding the bottle is a big step in finding the authors. London accuses Moscow of having been the brain of the attack against the Skripals. If there is a connection between the two cases, it would further increase tensions between London and Moscow. (SDA / rad)

Posted on 14.07.2018 | Last update 22 minutes ago

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