As of: 26.11.2018 15:20
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If type 2 diabetes is detected early, serious complications can often be avoided.
According to estimates, about eight million people in Germany currently suffer from diabetes "diabetes". Most – about 95 percent – suffer Type 2 diabetes. But about two million people do not know their disease. Because the high level of blood sugar initially causes mainly nonspecific symptoms such as thirst sensation, dry skin and increased urination.
Often, diabetes is only recognized when there are already sequelae such as a heart attack or A stroke occurred. At that time, diabetes has generally been around for eight to ten years.
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes
Online test: detect early diabetes
According to one A Japanese study announces diabetes up to 20 years before the first diagnosis by a growing change in metabolism, such as fasting blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.
Experts therefore recommend testing blood glucose once a year. The German Institute for Research on Nutrition (DIfE) has Online self test designed to help everyone determine their risk and discuss the result with their family doctor.
In conversation
Detect diabetes with tests
The earlier the diabetes or precursor (prediabetes) is detected, the greater the chances of recovery. There are several methods to diagnose diabetes:
- the Fasting level of glucose in the blood is measured in the morning before breakfast and is less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl) in healthy people. From 127 mg / dl, the diagnosis is diabetes. If the value is between 100 and 127 mg / dl, the doctor should check the result and look for the cause.
- Safer than the fasting glucose value is standardized sugar stress testFirst, you drink 75 grams of sugar and measure the level of blood sugar two hours later. According to experts, this test is done too rarely.
Blood glucose levels in the West and East of Germany
In West Germany, the unit mg / dL (milligrams per deciliter) is often used to indicate the concentration of sugar in the blood. In East Germany, on the other hand, the unit mmol / l (millimoles per liter) is mainly used. The international standard unit is the mmol / l, this rule was adopted in the former GDR, then the FRG retained the mg / dl unit however. This is why today in Germany, we often find both details.
For blood glucose, the following conversion formulas apply:
- 1 mg / dl x 0.05555 = mmol / l
- 1 mmol / l x 18.02 = mg / dl
Measures in diabetes
If diabetes is detected early, targeted measures can stop the disease, such as weight loss, exercise and bodybuilding.
In 85% of diabetics detected early, a weight loss of 15 kg can make the disease disappear again. High blood pressure and sleep disorders can also be postponed.
Long-term consequences of unrecognized diabetes
Early therapy can often prevent the long-term consequences of diabetes:
- stroke
- heart attack
- Retinal diseases to blindness
- renal failure
- wound healing
- Circulatory disorders (diabetic foot)
If an affected person develops type 2 diabetes as a child, the consequences can not first occur in the elderly, but at the age of about 40 years.
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