If you like to sleep on the good side, it should be better now


Sleep is healthy – but the good side is crucial.

© wedding photo / Malta Christians / dpa

Do you always turn to the good side to sleep? You should rather get rid of it if you want to stay healthy. A study reveals the reasons.

Sleeping can be so beautiful – and healthy. If you sleep enough, you are well rested and ready for future tasks. But what almost no one knows: the sleeping position can also affect our health.

In a study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2015, Dr. John Doulliard cites several reasons why you are asleep. rather on the left side should instead turn to the right side:

1. stomach and pancreas

The stomach and pancreas lie on the left side of the body. Who sleeps on the right side ensures that the Stomach press on the pancreas and thus hinder their activity.

2. Heart and blood circulation

The main artery, the aorta, separates from the heart to the left. If you are on the right side, you have to heart Pump the blood "uphill". Those who sleep on the left side of the body, on the other hand, support the pumping function of the heart.

Also interesting: That's why you should always sleep downstairs without sleeping.

3. Lymphatic system and spleen

If you sleep on the left, you too lymphatic system something good for the body, "said Doulliard. And this for the following reason: The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting important nutrients and filtering waste. Because the missed, which also cleans the blood, is on the left side of the body, the waste reaches it very quickly, if one lies to the left.

4. stomach burns

Those who sleep on the right suffer about twice as often from heartburn (also called reflux), as a sleeper left. According to the study, it is that the food acid is on the right side of the stomach. However, those who turn to the right during their sleep facilitate the return of the chyme into the esophagus and cause it unpleasant discomfort.

Read also: If you want to stay healthy, sleep without pillows!


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Did you know? Eight myths about colds – and what helps

Mistake one - a lot of vitamin C prevents colds. Studies have shown that vitamin C - with the exception of extreme athletes, can not prevent colds.
Mistake one – a lot of vitamin C prevents colds. Studies have shown that vitamin C – with the exception of extreme athletes, can not prevent colds. © DAPD / dpa
Myth # 2: The most common way to get into U-Bahn and S-Bahn trains. Cold viruses are transmitted by anything that comes into contact with the mouth or nose of a cold person. For example, anyone who comes in contact with pathogens on a doorknob brings the virus to its own goals.
Myth # 2: The most common way to get into U-Bahn and S-Bahn trains. Cold viruses are transmitted by anything that comes into contact with the mouth or nose of a cold person. For example, anyone who comes in contact with pathogens on a doorknob brings the virus to its own goals. © dpa
Misconception three: antibiotics always help. Antibiotics kill only bacteria, but colds are mostly viruses. It is rare that an additional bacterial infection is involved, for example strep throat.
Misconception three: antibiotics always help. Antibiotics kill only bacteria, but colds are mostly viruses. It is rare that an additional bacterial infection is involved, for example strep throat. © dpa
Fourth mistake: Drinking a lot helps a lot. For the liquid to help dissolve the mucus, there is no scientific evidence. Home remedies such as water vapor inhalation, bed rest, and chest wraps help prevent colds more easily.
Fourth mistake: Drinking a lot helps a lot. For the liquid to help dissolve the mucus, there is no scientific evidence. Home remedies such as water vapor inhalation, bed rest, and chest wraps help prevent colds more easily. © TKK
Mistake number five: Blow, it's better than to lift the nose. Anyone who pulls the mucus in the nose, also sucks it from the sinuses and throws it into the stomach. When he whistles, he is in a hurry not only in the handkerchief, but also on the sinuses. There, it is fertile ground for pathogens.
Mistake number five: Blow, it's better than to lift the nose. Anyone who pulls the mucus in the nose, also sucks it from the sinuses and throws it into the stomach. When he whistles, he is in a hurry not only in the handkerchief, but also on the sinuses. There, it is fertile ground for pathogens. © obs / Tempo
Six: Colds can be sweated in the sauna. No Sauna sessions strengthen the circulation and stimulate the immune system as long as you are in good health. But in case of infection, they also weigh on the body and can aggravate the disease. By the way, the most effective drug is sleep.
Six: Colds can be sweated in the sauna. No Sauna sessions strengthen the circulation and stimulate the immune system as long as you are in good health. But in case of infection, they also weigh on the body and can aggravate the disease. By the way, the most effective drug is sleep. © dpa
Mistake Seven: A cold is harmless. If viruses damage the mucous membranes, bacteria have an easy life. Colds can open the door to other pathogens. Paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) often become contaminated, which can lead to severe headaches.
Mistake Seven: A cold is harmless. If viruses damage the mucous membranes, bacteria have an easy life. Colds can open the door to other pathogens. Paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) often become contaminated, which can lead to severe headaches. © dpa
By the way: if the illness starts with a high fever, chills, muscle aches and limbs, it's not a cold, but a flu (flu).
By the way: if the illness starts with a high fever, chills, muscle aches and limbs, it's not a cold, but a flu (flu). © dpa
Misunderstood eight: Yellowish greenish mucus is a sign of bacterial infection. Color alone can not tell which pathogens trigger the symptoms. If the disease does not improve within a week, ask your doctor for advice.
Misunderstood eight: Yellowish greenish mucus is a sign of bacterial infection. Color alone can not tell which pathogens trigger the symptoms. If the disease does not improve within a week, ask your doctor for advice. © dpa
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