According to news agency PA, British police expect to have identified the alleged perpetrators of Nowitschok's attack on the former Russian spy Sergej Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury in March. It concerns so many Russians, reports PA, citing a source from the environment of the investigations.
"The investigators believe that they have identified the suspects of the Nowitschok attack using surveillance cameras," quotes PA, the anonymous source. The records were matched with the UK entry data. "They (the investigators) are sure that they (the suspects) are Russians," AP continues.
Last week, it was learned that a 44-year-old woman, now deceased, and a 45-year-old man had come into contact with the neurotoxin for help. a small bottle. It is now necessary to determine whether the poison came from the same source as the substance with which Skripal and her daughter had been poisoned. Investigators consider that it is likely that both cases are interdependent.
Poison may have been in a perfume bottle
According to AP investigators, it is thought that the deceased woman uses
a dose at least ten times higher of Nowitschok poison
came into contact. Already on Wednesday, the Guardian on
Investigators have been theorized that the poison in a
Bottle of perfume – and the woman sprayed on the skin
The bottle had been seized from the man's house in the city of Amesbury. Since then, investigators are reviewing all of the couple's whereabouts before being hospitalized for poisoning. The man who is still being treated at the hospital has already been questioned by the police.
Amesbury is located eleven kilometers from Salisbury . There, the Skripals were found on March 4 on a park bench in front of a shopping center. Julija was released from the hospital in April and her father a month later. They did not comment on the case in public, today they live in a secret place.
The London government has accused Russia of attacking the scripts. Nowitschok was developed in the former Soviet Union, later experienced in other countries. The Russian government denies any allegation. The case triggered a serious diplomatic crisis. More than two dozen countries have expelled Russian diplomats. Russia has also responded to expulsions.
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