Israel Helps White Helmets | The Lucerne newspaper


The persecution of disasters by the Assad regime is secured via Jordan to Jordan. The action was the result of weeks of international collusion.

Susanna Knaul, Jerusalem

  Syrian white helmets during a recovery job in a bombed house in Idlib. (Photo: AP, January 7, 2018)

Syrian white helmets during a recovery job in a bombed house in Idlib. (Photo: AP, January 7, 2018)

In a secret night and nebula action, Israel opened the border crossing at Kuneitra on the Golan Heights for 422 Syrian white helmets and their families fleeing. Voluntary civilian auxiliaries, mainly responsible for bombing the victims and the wounded, were put under pressure by the advance of the Syrian army itself. Israeli soldiers took the Syrians by bus to Jordan on Sunday night. From there, they should go to Germany, Great Britain and Canada.

The Israeli army, according to a statement, has complied with an Israeli government order and calls from the United States and other European states. It was an aid operation for "humanitarian reasons". For Syrian white helmets had existed immediate danger for life.

No more than three months in Jordan

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has confirmed the admission of Syrian white helmets to Germany. It was "a command of humanity," Maas told the Bild newspaper. The Federal Foreign Ministry has supported Syrian white helmets in recent years with 12 million euros. The top-secret rescue operation was apparently the result of weeks of multilateral collusion and was finally a surprise for those seeking help, because Jordan had long refused a registration. According to reports, the monarchy is already home to 1.3 million Syrian refugees. According to reports from the "Jerusalem Post", the Syrian White Helmets should not remain in Jordan for more than three months in a "closed zone". Canada seems to have played a key role in rescuing volunteers.

Israel has been following the strategy of non-intervention since the beginning of the Syrian civil war. The exception is the reaction to arms deliveries to Lebanese Hezbollah, which has shelled dozens of times the Israeli air force, as it has itself recognized the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In addition, there have been repeated Israeli attacks recently against targets of the Iranian army and its henchmen in Syria. The Israeli government wants to prevent at all costs the permanent parking of Iranian troops in Syria. Last weekend, Netanyahu telephoned Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, according to the conservative newspaper "Israel Hajom", assured him that there would be no Iranian troops in the border region.

Russia has fought alongside the Iranian Revolutionary Guards alongside Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in recent years. As long as there are armed rebel forces in Syria that want to harm the regime, Putin wants to keep Iranian parking in the interior, writes "Israel Hajom".

"The battle is over"

In addition, Israel continues to make it determined to keep the borders closed for refugees from Syria. But it helps those seeking refuge in the buffer zone between the Golan Heights and Syria annexed by Israel, with food, medicine, clothes and tents. Since the beginning of the war, several thousand victims of the Syrian war have been treated in Israeli hospitals.

Ejal Sisser, a Syrian expert from Tel Aviv University, suspects that "the battle is over" in Syria. However, the question of whether President Bashar al-Assad will manage to control his country in the long run depends on what "Russians and Iranians have to say". From an Israeli point of view, it would be 'better for Assad to have total control, to throw the Iranians out of his country and to ensure peace in the border region,' Sisser explains.

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