Israel's rescue operation: far fewer safety helmets, as indicated


According to the Jordanian government, far fewer white helmets have been brought from Syria to security than previously indicated. In Jordan, only 422 aid workers and their families arrived, said the Foreign Ministry in Amman. Initially, it had been said that about 800 white robes and their families had been brought to Israel and then taken to Jordan.

White helmets were threatened, according to Israeli sources, by the advance of Syrian troops from Bashar al-Assad. His rescue was an "exception". According to the Jordanian government, the operation was organized by the UN and conducted at the request of Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked. White helmets are "people who are saving lives and are now in mortal danger", so he responded to the request.

Seehofer: "Protect them is […] the expression of my policy"

White Helmets Stand In the Syrian Civil War in areas under the control of the opposition, the people of buildings destroyed and afford first aid. For their work, the aid organization founded in 2013 received the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago. The Syrian government and Russia accuse him of supporting the rebels. The organization, on the other hand, emphasizes its neutrality.

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White Helmets in Aleppo:
"Whoever saves one life, saves all humanity"

Germany wants to take eight of the white helmets with their families. Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer told the newspaper "Bild": "For me, giving them protection is a humanitarian obligation and an expression of my policy of humanity and order in migration policy ". Seehofer is campaigning politically to limit the number of refugees in Germany. A few weeks ago, he joked that 69 refugees were expelled on the occasion of his 69th birthday

. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) said that the use of white helmets deserved admiration and respect. "Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, the White Helmets have saved more than 100,000 people, over 250 of whom have paid their courage and compassion with life, much more with their health."

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