Messer Lübeck striker according to the father "psychologically remarkable"
In Lübeck: A man attacks passengers by bus
The act s' is produced in the district Kücknitz. The police did not reveal any other details about the author of the offense.
The incident occurred in the district of Kücknitz. More details on the subject of the author have not been disclosed by the police.
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Against the Lübeck striker should be issued warrant. His father says the 34-year-old is mentally unstable.
The investigation after the knife attack on a Lübeck bus will continue Saturday and should, among other things, clarify the mobile of the offender. The detainee should be introduced to a magistrate in the morning. Meanwhile, the father of the man was expressing and describing his son as mentally unstable.
The prosecutor wants to get a warrant for this 34-year-old man for attempted deliberate fire, bodily harm and bodily injury. The man born in Iran and living in Lübeck has long had German nationality and remained silent Friday on the allegations.
The bus driver reacted quickly and got worse
The man had Friday in a bus of Lübeck fully occupied with a knife. The passengers were stabbed
Ten people were injured. The offender could be arrested after the attack.
According to the Schleswig-Holstein Minister of the Interior, Hans-Joachim Grote, a crew of car was nearby and, above all, the fast action of the bus driver prevents the worst. The bus driver acted "quickly and courageously," said the minister. "He deserves a big thank you."
According to Grote, the driver in the rearview mirror noticed smoke, stopped the bus and opened all the doors. Subsequently, the alleged perpetrator according to the initial findings of the investigators stabbed at random on the passengers. We still do not know whether he has done it on the bus or on the outside. The driver had rushed to the suspect and beaten him, says Grote. "Then there was a scuffle."
Father calls his son "mentally ostentatious"
"Spiegel TV" spoke to the father of the party. According to him, the 34-year-old man was born in Iran and arrived in Germany at the age of six. So he was in the Bundeswehr and finally without work. The father describes his son as psychologically visible. "He felt haunted by the neighbors," he said.
Among other things, his son claimed that neighbors would mistreat him with harmful radiation attacks through the wall. In addition, there should be a custody dispute with his former partner to the common daughter. As a result, he was frustrated and angry – and talked about wanting to emigrate.
Up to now, "clearly no terrorist background"
Prosecutors and the police are still curious to understand the motive of the aggressor. According to current findings, there is "clearly no terrorist history, either in person or in the environment previously studied," said Schleswig-Holstein Interior Minister Hans-Joachim. Grote. The politician of the CDU and the mayor of Lübeck, Jan Lindenau (SPD), were transported to the Kücknitz district of Lübeck a few hours after the violence of Friday afternoon
Weekend, the witnesses of the act must be heard further. Five of the ten wounded were taken to hospitals. Three of them are seriously injured, as US lawyer Ulla Hingst said. One victim was seriously injured by knife wounds. The culprit used a kitchen knife.
"No change of security situation" in Travemünder Woche
In his backpack, experts found accelerators, but "no other explosives or the like," Hingst said. The police are still looking for passengers who have left the scene after the incident.
According to estimates of the bus driver, about 70 people were aboard the bus en route to Travemünde, where the week of Travemünde was open at night. During the sailing event, the increased police presence was clearly visible. "But there is no concrete indication of a changed security situation," Grote said.
Nevertheless, there is a feeling of insecurity. With regard to such a big party, there should be no room for speculation. ! Function (DPA / SDO)
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