Latest News: Facebook Coin (Libra)


This Tuesday it should be time. Facebook will present its new Facebook coin. The project, internally called Project Libra, has been eagerly awaited for weeks. The tension is so great, among other things, because there was virtually no Facebook announcement on their new coin. So there is a lot of speculation about the new digital currency. In our 6 Facebook GlobalCoin Forecast, we reviewed and analyzed six theses on Facebook's upcoming play.

This morning, the unexpected happened. The (official) page of Facebook's Coin was online – but only for a few minutes. For now, only generates a 404 error. How lucky we were at CryptoMonday to be in the right place at the right time and take screenshots of the website. Here are some first impressions of the upcoming Facebook parts, which should be under the name Balance will be presented.

Balance: the Facebook piece for WhatsApp and Messenger

The first image shows the introsection of the homepage, with which the project is officially presented. The slogan "A connected wallet for a connected world" is typical of Facebook, but also the easy-to-use design already mentioned in the prototype.

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Balance: a stablecoin based on the blockchain

In addition, you can see on the page various features of the next Facebook part. So, Libra will definitely be a stablecoin operated on a blockchain basis.

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How could it be otherwise while Facebook will use its Libra Coin not only for Messenger, but also for the WhatsApp telecommunication service. Thus, Facebook has a reach and a base of potential users of about 2.5 billion people.

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Balance: fast, easy and limitless

Facebook announces that sending money in the future is easy, fast and transparent.

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Details of the verification and authorization process were also disclosed. The wallet therefore calls "safe" and "secure". The checking of the account will be done with the help of the card of identity. Privacy must always be protected and private.

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A provisional conclusion

More information on Facebook's coin, Libra, will likely be released later in the day. We will keep you updated regularly and we will provide you with an article on the white paper throughout the day. Until then, we recommend the following articles to give you a complete picture of the impact and potential of the Facebook piece.

Do you think Libra can positively influence the market and Bitcoin? We have summarized our current opinion on the market situation and the Balance for you.

What do you say about new Facebook ads? Are you looking forward to Libra and will you use it? Discuss with us during our discussion by telegram and subscribe to our news channel.

[Bild: Shutterstock,]
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