Libyan leader defends the coast guard against criticism


"These are huge allegations that are not true and have already been clarified by our Coast Guard, and every day we save hundreds of people off the coast of Libya," he said on Friday. in the newspaper "Bild".

The country needs more technical and financial support, he said. A Spanish organization had accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving two women and a child on the high seas in one operation

Libya was only the transit country that people used for their escape. "We have created refugee shelters for tens of thousands of people, but in our country there are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, which severely aggravates the security situation, including terrorists, criminals and criminals. smugglers. "

Asked what he thinks of the possible anchoring centers in his country, al-Sarradsch said:" No, we will not have that. "We are absolutely opposed to that Europe wants officially to welcome us illegal migrants that we would not want in the EU. "(SDA)

Published on 20.07.2018 | Updated at 01:02

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