Lochau: deceased person recovered from Lake Constance


<img src = "http://www.regionews.at/data/news/2018/07/16/186186/pic_600/Bodensee_Symbolbild.jpg" class = "ls-bg" alt = "[879002] Diagram : Bodensee / Symbolbild

16th of July


by Gerhard Repp
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The 14/07/2014 at 01:14 a passerby reported that He had seen a person float in the water at Lochau's Pipeline at the bathing pier at the top of the Bundesheer barracks, and the rescuers finally managed to detect a dead male and bring him back to The person wore a handkerchief and showed no external injury.An autopsy performed Monday morning showed that the 81-year-old man from Bregenz suffered a heart attack while swimming. then drowned, no proof of indebtedness could be found

Source: LPD Vorarlberg

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