Macron wants to build "the welfare state of the 21st century"


"A policy for business is not a policy for the rich, but a policy for the whole nation, a policy for employment," he said Monday in a speech to parliament French. It describes a series of planned changes in the social system, such as retirement and health care systems. "We need to build the welfare state of the 21st century," Macron said. He also plans to meet the country's 100 largest companies this month to encourage them to engage in training and employment in problem areas.

Macron launched an ambitious reform program following its election in May 2017. Focus that benefited the economy and investors. As a result, the political left has long accused it of being a "president of the rich". But even in his own camp, there have been recent calls for more emphasis on social measures

Meanwhile, more than 70% of French people view Macron's government policy as unfair, as Have revealed two recent polls. Provisional results after a little over a year of tenure – it was compared in France with the speech on the state of the nation, held once a year by the US president. Macron had announced during the election campaign to express each year in front of both Houses of Parliament. Political opponents have criticized this as the expression of too much power claim of the president. (SDA)

Posted on 09.07.2018 | Last update 17 minutes ago

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