Malta and France kidnap boaters from Italy


450 refugees were saved in the Mediterranean. Once again, a dispute arises as to the country in which refugees are to take place. Malta and France have promised Italy to receive some of the refugees. That's what the Italian Prime Minister claims on Facebook

The two EU countries have agreed to take in 50 of the 450 migrants, Mr Conte said Saturday night on his Facebook page. "Very soon, the promises of other European countries will come," he adds.

The agreements with Malta and France were concluded "after a day of telephone and written contacts with the 27 European heads of state and government," said Conte. He reminded them of the "logic and the spirit of sharing conclusions" of the EU Summit at the end of June

Conte added a letter to the Communication that he addressed to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EU Council Donald Tusk and addressed to all Heads of State and Government of the EU.

He says that since Italy is "always in the vanguard" of the rescue of the people of the sea, she calls for "a clear sign" for a burden sharing in the US. EU and a willingness to "consider the possibility of"

Two ships from the EU border protection agency, Frontex, had rescued on Saturday the some 450 refugees from the precarious situation of the EU. a wooden boat in the Mediterranean and brought them to Italian waters The Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, refused to let them in and announced that they would send the refugees to Malta or Libya

Already Friday, Rome wanted to persuade the Maltese government to put an end to the overloaded wooden ship to be invested.But Malta argued that the ship was closer to Italian than to Maltese territory. people would prefer to enter Italy on board.

Border guards of the EU d Frontex then rescued the refugees from the wooden boat on Saturday and distributed them to their two ships. Eight women and children were transported to the Italian island of Lampedusa for treatment.

Italy and Malta have repeatedly pleaded responsibility for refugee vessels in recent weeks. Last month, Malta had to host the aid ship Lifeline with 234 people on board. A few days ago, Italy and Malta had rejected the rescue vessel "Aquarius" with 630 refugees on board, so he had to be redirected to Spain.

Salvini wants to reduce to zero the number of refugees arriving in Italy. In June, he decreed that refugee relief vessels should no longer dock in Italian ports with refugees on board.

Italy is the main destination for refugees entering the EU from the Mediterranean via the Mediterranean. At its summit in late June, the EU made decisions to make it difficult for refugees to travel to Europe. Italy has insisted that the remaining Member States withdraw more refugees from the country at the external borders of Europe and participate in the absorption of the distress of the rescued people.

Under international law, migrants can not be returned to places where their lives are in danger. The United Nations and the EU said that Libya is not sure. Mr Salvini therefore urged EU Ministers of the Interior meeting in Innsbruck to declare the North African country safe.

According to Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, some 20,000 international migrants have voluntarily left Libya in recent months as his home has returned.

Mogherini, who visited Libya on Saturday, opened an EU representation and an EU Border Assistance Mission. The EU is the largest donor of humanitarian aid, as well as the biggest supporter of the UN's programs and the country's main economic partner, she said. Power in the country. This is another reason why the country is the starting point for thousands of migrants seeking a route across the Mediterranean to Europe. (SDA)

Published 14.07.2018 | Updated at 23:26

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