Many dead in thunderstorms in Japan | TIME ONLINE



Japan dozens of people died because of heavy weather. Public broadcaster NHK reported 83 deaths and at least 57 missing persons. Six people are still in mortal danger. Other local media have written more than 70 dead. Due to heavy rains that have persisted since Thursday, floods and landslides have occurred in many places.

Secretary of Cabinet Yoshihide Suga said that there were missing persons, especially in the southern prefecture of Hiroshima. About 40 helicopters are being rescued. "The rescue teams are doing their best," said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. However, the assistants are in the race against the clock.

Authorities have called about 3.6 million people in 18 prefectures to leave their homes, including 1.8 million in the only megacity of Hiroshima. According to NHK, 37 deaths have been reported there. On the main island of southwest, Shikoku, 22 people died. According to the Kyodo News Agency, hundreds of homes were damaged and thousands of aids were deployed.

New disaster warnings on Sunday

The Japanese meteorological authority warned of other landslides and floods. Especially in the prefectures of Kyoto and Gifu, there is "unprecedented rainfall". On the main islands of Kyushu and Shikoku, authorities issued new disaster warnings on Sunday.

More than two million Japanese people reportedly fled their homes because of floods. Others had to flee on the roofs of the buildings. The NHK transmitter showed images of overturned cars in Kochi Prefecture on Shikoku, which stood in the streets full of mud.

In Okayama's western prefecture, about 200 people were trapped in a hospital after a river overflowed its banks. A nurse told NHK that the electricity and water supply was interrupted, that there were bottlenecks in the food supply.

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