Meeting in Helsinki: Trump and Putin: two politicians of the power of the same timber – Politics – Current political news


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Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin meet in Helsinki on Monday. It will be the shock of two men fighting with similar resources.

Once upon a time, their countries were powerful antipoles, and the presidents were proud leaders of hostile political blocs. Today, they sometimes seem like political brothers in spirit. Both govern at a time when, in all their political confusion, the lust of the strong man has returned with great force. They like ceremonies and gold, parades and garlands – Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin unite a lot. On Monday, the Presidents of the United States and Russia meet in Helsinki. Between them is Syria, stands the Ukraine, is the alleged Russian interference in the US election campaign, but also the issue of Russian gas in Europe and disarmament treaties. Russia and the United States have different interests on all these topics. Yet similarities prevail in public perception.

The political scientist of the German Council for Foreign Relations, Josef Braml, explains in an interview with our newspaper: "All these powerful world leaders – Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping" Recep Tayyip Erdogan – a thing in one: a Machiavellian leadership style: divide and impera, divide and rule. "Trump and Putin see Europe as a rival to divide and dominate.They weaken their domestic opponents as their international competitors." Trump wants to break up the fight. EU. He wants to win at the expense of everyone, he shows it again and again, "says Braml, who also runs the blog .

In the New York Times writes Thomas Friedman, Trump and Putin are of the same wood. "Your strategy: continue to punch, continue to lie, deny, argue the opposite, no matter how a refusal is unlikely – and never, ever excuse." Because when you're on an industrial scale, everyone is overwhelmed by his shamelessness.It is this constant erosion of the standards that Trump makes to America and Putin in the world. "

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Only derision and mockery for their opponents

Russia and American political cultures are experiencing powerful rituals. In the White House, gold is not as high as in the Trump Tower or the Kremlin, but it sparkles very well. For their opponents in politics, media and society, the two men left little more than contempt and ridicule, to Trump often at the lowest level. Both have created a perfect media ecosystem that serves as amplifiers and bench test. Ironically, America, which once brought its liberal image of man to the world, has the progress of democracy held up for no alternative! "Now we have to see that our teachers are no longer interested in what they have taught us," says American expert Josef Braml. "On the contrary, they are tearing down, because Trump thinks that the liberal world order is helping rivals from America, China and Europe, not the United States."

The two presidents are extremely suspicious and lonely. From one largely networked, its closest environment is considered very small. And here too, the boss is always right.

The peaceful revolution scared the man of the KGB Putin

Putin, the former KGB agent, is considered very clever and cunning. When in Dresden "We are the people" echoing in the streets, in 1989, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's officer repeatedly pushes the service into the local headquarters of the Soviet secret service KGB. He listens carefully to the words of a peaceful revolution, they scare him. These are uncertain times, for the GDR, the Soviet Union. The times that have influenced the Russian President of today so far. In a villa of Angelikastraße in Dresden, he understood what is an uncompromising action and what can happen if the state is perceived as weak.

Putin despises weakness. He's already doing it like a kid. The 65-year-old man loves to flirt with his difficult childhood. Parents – locksmith and paramedic – in a wagon construction job. The little Wowa grows up in a Kommunalka, this typical form of housing the Soviet Union: there are three on 20 square meters. The boy struggles and underlines until today the image of a boy who liked to be handed out. He wanted to be the winner.

When the Soviet Union breaks, it is a disaster for many in the Soviet Union. Titles that once existed are no longer. The inferiority complex of being a person in the world is great. This complex determines the basis of Russian politics today. "Nobody listened to us, listen to us now," Putin said in March of this year in his address to the nation. These experiences differentiate it from the political imprint of European politicians: the bolder and harder you are, the stronger the Russian understanding, the more prosperous you become. Although 70% of Russians are anti-American, they also hope for an economic recovery in their country.

Trump about Putin: He does a good job

Trump, the tyrant with uncertain financial circumstances and methods every political experience in the office. To date, he does not view politics as a process or a thick board, but rather as the arena of a reality show. He knows his way.

He never hid his admiration for the autocrat of the Kremlin. Already in October 2007, while Moscow was accused of a massive cyberattack against Estonia, the New York real estate mogul raved: "Look Putin, this guy is doing a good job. Since taking office, Trump has criticized, insulted and defamed almost all Western leaders – but not Putin – he likes powerful men who reject opposition – every day, he shows himself contempt for the press. If this was his weakness for cheeseburgers and coke, he would probably also pose naked on a horse.On objection, Putin let political opponents kill, he fought back succinctly in 2015: " Well, I think, our country also kills a lot of people. "

The grandson of a German emigrant and lover of beautiful women looking for the big scene to breathe air. was encouraged by the rich father – also a real estate entrepreneur – that he was superior to all others. Fans and opponents of 71 years argue over political substance. At least her spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, describes Trump as "one of the best negotiators of all time".

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