Mexico calls for the rapid integration of migrant families in America


Migration, Trade or Security: Sensitive topics are not lacking in the first visit of US Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pompeo, to Mexico. But the trip to the neighboring country is above all a palpation. The head of diplomacy meets the future President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

(dpa) The conflict over the separation of Latin American immigrants from their children at the border American has Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto called for a rapid reunification of families. A permanent solution must be found that focuses on the well-being and rights of children, said the head of state at a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Mexico City Friday

  The future president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (right) greets US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (left) on July 13 in Mexico City. (Photo: Andres Manuel López Obrador Press Office via AP)

The future President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (right) welcomes US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (left) on July 13 to Mexico City. (Photo: Andrés Manuel López Obrador Press Office via AP)

The separation of parents and children in the border area has recently caused outrage worldwide. Although US President Donald Trump has stopped the practice for now. However, family reunification takes place. In the future, illegal migrants and their children will be imprisoned together.

Pompeo's first visit as Minister of Foreign Affairs to Mexico focused not only on migration, but also on security and trade. The governments of both countries agreed to continue the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in a constructive and timely manner, said the Mexican presidential office. Pompeo was accompanied by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Homeland Security Minister Kirstjen Nielsen, and Donald Trump's advisor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Pompeo also visited the future Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. This was the first meeting of senior US government officials with the leftist nationalist, who will take office on Dec. 1. López Obrador made proposals to the US delegation for future cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

The former mayor of Mexico City won the election by a large majority at the beginning of the month. It basically wants to change the second largest economy in Latin America. Among other things, he announced that he would reverse a series of structural reforms, crack down on corruption and fight poverty. In the fight against organized crime, he introduced an amnesty for drug traffickers

Tense relationship

In front of the office of López Obrador, the American delegation was received by protesters. "Where are the children of migrants?" Was read on a banner. On another was a quote from historical President Benito Juárez: "Respect for the rights of others – between people and between states – means peace."

  A protester wavers a sign reading: "Trump - No further A migrant child should be separated more from his parents!" (Image: Mario Guzman / EPA)

A protester waved a poster saying: "Trump – More no immigrant child should be separated from his parents! "(Photo: Mario Guzman / EPA)

The relationship between America and Mexico is tense.Trump wants to build a wall at the border to prevent it. Illegal immigration and drug smuggling.Mexico is supposed to pay for the construction of a wall of one billion dollars.The Mexican government rejects this.

In addition, the two countries negotiate the Treaty Nafta is under pressure from the US government.Nafta is one of the largest trade agreements in the world after the joint economic performance.Since its entry into force in 1994, almost all tariffs have been lowered between l & # 39; America, Canada and the M

Trump sees the United States as disadvantaged by the treaty. In case of failure of the talks, he threatened an exit from the United States of Nafta. For Mexico, the free trade agreement is of enormous importance: about 80% of Mexican exports go to the United States.

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