Minister is supposed to live with 150 euros a month – News International: Europe


Austrian Minister of Social Affairs, Beate Hartinger-Klein, said in a TV interview last week that one could live with 150 euros a month "if you still have the # 39, apartment. " Now a group of SME entrepreneurs has challenged the 62 year old FPÖ politician to the "150 Euro Challenge".

Hartinger-Klein must cover his daily expenses – with the exception of his housing costs – of these 150 euros, as "Der Standard Online" writes

to induce the minister – if she must accept the challenge and above all master it – employers want to make a monthly donation of 17-511 euros to a charity that Hartinger-Klein should choose


The first reactions to the Hartinger's controversial claim came shortly after his interview According to SPÖ leader Christian Kern, the minister's statement "already some retirement." Those who buy, know that it would not work, then Kern. "SP1 -Bundesgeschaftführer Max Lercher accuses the Minister of Social Affairs of the FPÖ, she has no idea of ​​the life situation of people. "Given her stunned and unrealistic character, I recommend Hartinger-Klein to make contact with reality, and instead of entrenching herself in her city center in Vienna, she should talk to the Austrians about their reality in life." [19659002Therewasalsoalotofcriticisminthenet

Green politician Regina Petrik suggested that Hartinger-Klein should show how to make a living with 150 euros a month.

Balloon stands near Hartinger-Klein

In the end, critics have created a challenge. Stefan Sengl, partner of the Viennese news agency The Skills Group and short-term campaign director of Christian Kern (SPÖ) in the election campaign for the 2017 National Council election, is one of the initiators of the Challenge. The standard online written.

"To be honest, we seriously doubt that the minister really knows what she's talking about," Sengl said. For this reason, they want to subject the minister and government policy to a "reality check".

Sengl sees the challenge as a win-win situation: "If the minister comes out with 150 euros, she will look for a nice gift for a charity Organization of your choice If the minister fails, she can reconsider the planned cuts in the system social. (nag)

Created: 30.07.2018, 10:29

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