Especially when there is no quiet place nearby, urinary urgency is annoying. It's a high-performance body – a game of organ and brain teams.
According to Professor Thorsten Schlomm, director of the Department of Urology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, urinary urgency is actually a painful stimulant. Treat it properly, then press the right buttons in the bubble – it's a very complicated thing. It's not for nothing that children need years to master the system.
In babies, the product pee just flows through. As soon as something happens in the bladder, receptors located at the bottom of the organ emit messengers that inform the bladder ",Please bring out the liquid"And let's go.
Later, children learn to use the neural pathways that the Transmitting messenger substances via the spinal cord to the brainThere comes a painful stimulus. And now, it gets really complicated: the bladder has to contract to expel the urine, but at the same time, the human has to release the pelvic floor muscles so that the fluid can escape. A chef de work.
Frequent toilets: what to do?
Happy to see this work. Should go to the doctor who diurnal much more often than six times in the toilet or get up more than once or twice a night. "There can be different causes for this," says Schlomm: from an enlarged prostate to diabetes or a urinary tract infection. An urologist is looking for the cause. The good news is that "early enough, most problems can be solved quite easily."
Also interestingThese seven warning signs in the urine should immediately scare you.