December 1st is World AIDS Day. Since 1988, the disease has been sensitized that day. The main objective is to overcome prejudices against HIV-positive people, to help them in their situation and to commemorate the victims of AIDS.
An estimated 36.7 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Since its first discovery in 1984, 35 million people have died as a result of the disease. AIDS is therefore considered one of the biggest pandemics in the history of mankind. In Switzerland, 20,000 people live with HIV. Last year, 445 HIV diagnoses were made in Switzerland, reaching a historic low. For the downward trend to continue, education is still essential.
December 1st is World AIDS Day. The declared goal is to raise society's awareness of the risks of HIV / AIDS, to face prejudices and to show that everyone can live together. But what is AIDS? What is the difference with HIV? And how do you really get involved?
Prejudices with serious consequences
Today, the disease is better understood and research is developing better treatments for people living with HIV. Nevertheless, discrimination against the daily lives of HIV-positive people is still part of life today. In 2018, 122 cases were registered in Switzerland. AIDS is often trivialized as a "homosexual disease" and those affected are reported as addicts. These prejudices not only complicate the lives of those affected, but spread dangerous misinformation about the disease. To overcome stigma, you have to fight prejudices.
If you suspect an infection or have been exposed to a risk situation, post-exposure prophylaxis, PEP, may be helpful. This can prevent infection with the virus. Treatment should be started within 48 hours of infection. However, no one should rely on this measure, because even with optimal implementation, the infection can not be prevented with certainty.
You will find a list of PEP emergency numbers near you here.
What can be done on World AIDS Day?
On World AIDS Day, it is customary to receive a red bow as a sign of solidarity. With the purchase of the red ribbon, you help Aids-Hilfe Schweiz in his educational work. You can also support the new Aids-Hilfe Schweiz campaign "Together for love and desire, together against fear." With donations.
Aids-Hilfe Schweiz, in cooperation with the TFK communication agency, has developed a campaign to fight against fear, prejudice and discrimination against HIV-positive people.
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