New escalation: the United States announces other punitive tariffs against China


US President Donald Trump instructed him to start the process, Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Tuesday night (local time). Hearings before a possible entry into force should last until the end of August. Customs duties in the amount of ten percent are envisaged

China reacted "shocked" and announced "necessary countermeasures" in case of entry into force. The presentation of the list was "totally unacceptable," said a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce Wednesday. China wants to file a complaint immediately with the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva. "The behavior of the United States is harmful to China, harms the world and night," said the spokesman. It was "irrational".

On Friday, the United States had already imposed punitive tariffs of 25 percent on imports from China worth $ 34 billion. China reacted to US imports by applying similar punitive tariffs. Rates on other imports from China of an amount of 16 billion US dollars, which could arrive in the next two weeks, are already announced. An extension of the special levies, as currently planned for other Chinese imports worth $ 200 billion, would affect half of all Chinese exports to the United States.

Among the possible new tariffs are foodstuffs, metals, electronics and other goods from China – the list of goods covers 196 pages. Lighthizer said the reason for these new possible tariffs was Chinese retaliation and the Beijing government's refusal to change their course of action. Trump even threatened Beijing to impose additional duties on all Chinese imports to the United States worth more than $ 500 billion.

Current punitive tariffs in the United States primarily target technological products because they steal Chinese thieves. intellectual property and forced technology transfer. In retaliation, China levies additional taxes on cars, but also on US agricultural products such as soy, fish, pork, beef and dairy products. It is aimed primarily at the Trump electorate in rural areas.

Due to the US's high deficit of more than 800 billion US dollars in Trump foreign trade on several fronts to field. He also showed his neighbors Canada and Mexico as well as allies such as the European Union countries with punitive tariffs on steel and aluminum on the grounds that he wanted to guarantee the national security of his country.

Trump went to Brussels on Tuesday. Wish to attend Wednesday at the NATO summit. Before the summit meeting, he again criticized the EU. "The European Union makes it impossible for our farmers, our workers and our companies to do business in Europe," he wrote on Twitter. He pointed to the US trade deficit with the EU, which would be $ 151 billion. "Then, they want us to defend them cheerfully through NATO and pay nicely for it.It does not work!" (SDA)

Published 11.07.2018 Updated 12 minutes ago [19659009] / * <! [CDATA[ */
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