The most important news in the brief overview:
- "Good place for the Schumacher family" – Mick wins at Spa (13h00)
- The man wants to swim across the Rhine and dies (12:39 )
- Free Munich Terminal (11:51)
- Uncontrolled person in the security zone – Munich Airport Terminal released (9:10)
- Nahles warns the SPD before imitation in the question of refugees (7:00)
The news of the weekend in the viewer:
+++ 2:34 pm: A polar bear attacks a man on Spitzbergen +++
A polar bear attacked and injured a man on Spitsbergen off the north coast of Norway. The incident occurred when a group of cruise tourists from the "MS Bremen" landed in a small boat on an island, said a spokesman for the Northern Norway Emergency Services at the airport. German press agency. The condition of the man is stable. Initially, it was not clear whether it was a tourist or a crew member and what was his nationality. The "MS Bremen" is operated by the German cruiser operator Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, which also offers expeditions in the Arctic. The man was transported by helicopter to Longyearbyen after the attack of the island of Sjuoyane, the largest colony of Spitsbergen. The archipelago is composed of seven islands. Local authorities regularly warn of the danger posed by polar bears.
+++ 14:21: Two new packs of wolves in Saxony demonstrate +++
Saxony remains the number one Wolfsland in Germany. In the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz, a new pack has been detected. They live in the Massenei forest area as well as in the Großhennersdorf region, as reported by the contact office "Wölfe in Sachsen". Wolf expert Gesa Kluth referred to an updated map of the Federation Documentation and Advisory Center (DBBW). As a result, 38 packs, 13 pairs and 3 individual animals are currently detected in Germany. Saxony has 17 packs and 4 pairs. Behind Lower Saxony (10 packs, 5 pairs, 1 individual), Brandenburg (7 packs), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (3 packs, 2 pairs, 1 person), Bavaria (1 pack, 2 pairs) and Thuringia, where only one wolf
+++ 13:28: It stays warm in Germany – again and again possible storms +++
Thermal stresses must continue to wait for a real cooling. As announced by the German Meteorological Service, is responsible for the high pressure zone of high summer conditions "July" for the moment no further. "Therefore, Sunday morning, once again, the influence of high pressure, the sun can again warm vigorously and bring temperatures to levels of about 30 degrees," said DWD meteorologist Thomas Ruppert. On Monday, some temperatures would reach about 35 degrees, it would be heavy. Even until the middle of the week, it stays warm hot. However, parts of Germany's cooling and storm risk remains initially. Also in the course of the week and on the weekends, there may be storms or just rain in case of local cloud cover. But that does not mean that temperatures are falling. The maximum values are around 31 degrees from Wednesday to the following Monday
+++ 13:02: Tens of thousands of Russians protest against the increase in the age of retirement +++ [19659009] Tens of thousands of Russians are demonstrating against the expected increase in the age of retirement. In the only capital, Moscow, according to organizers, up to 100,000 people took to the streets. The Communist Party has called for demonstrations at the national level. In the future, the government wants men to retire only at the age of 65 and women at the age of 63. "We want to live on our pensions and not die at work," said one of the banners worn by protesters in Moscow. Criticism refers to relatively low life expectancy in Russia: increasing the retirement age would mean that men in particular could not retire – on average they are only 65 years old .
+++ 1:00 pm: Mick Schumacher wins the Formula 3 race at Spa +++
Mick Schumacher finally did it. Ironically, at Spa-Francorchamps, the son of seven-time Formula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher celebrated Saturday his first win in the Formula 3 European Championship. Two days after his first trip to pole position, he was the first to win the race. The 19-year-old athlete was leading the podium for the first time in his 45th Formula 3 race. In Belgium, his father took part in his first Formula 1 race and then won his first Grand Prix.
"It's great to win at Spa, having unfortunately failed to make pole yesterday a win" Schumacher said Saturday. The day before at the second of three weekend races at Spa, he had already retired in the first round because of a puncture on his Dallara-Mercedes. "Spa seems to be a good place for the Schumacher family, and when I saw the rain this morning, I was already looking forward to: I like the rain and the dry conditions," said the Formula 1 champion's son.
+++ 12.39 clock: man wants to swim across the Rhine and dies +++
Yet another deadly swimming accident in the Rhine: A man of 38 years tried in Baden-Württemberg, the current to swim, and is killed coming. As the police announced, the man was started Friday by the Swiss party. In the middle of the river near Murg, south of Freiburg, his forces left him and he threatened to perish. Several young people from the German side rushed to help her. Switzerland was resurrected first. He died in a clinic Saturday. "Apparently he had misjudged his own skills and the flow of the Rhine," police said. It is therefore already the third fatal bathing accident in the Rhine this week in the 160-kilometer section of the water police between Iffezheim near Karlsruhe and the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen
+ ++ 11.51 Clock: Terminal at Munich Free Airport +++ [19659009] The security zone of Terminal 2 of Munich Airport is again free after an eviction. Passenger security checks are being carried out again, a spokesman for the federal police said Saturday. This concerns all flights from the terminal. The police currently control the so-called satellite terminal, for which access is only possible via the security controls of Terminal 2. In the morning, the buildings had been completely cleaned up because a previously unknown woman had entered the security zone. This led to chaotic conditions, because Saturday, because of the school holidays, many people were at the airport
+++ 11:40: 81 years should have killed his sister of 84 +++ [19659009An81-year-oldmanisexpectedFridaynightinDüsseldorfheinflictedsuchseriousinjurytohis84-year-oldsisterintheconflictthatshediedinhisapartmentThesuspectpensionerwasarrestedtonightandisexpectedtobepresentedtoamagistrateonSaturdaytheauthoritiessaidAmurdercommissiondeterminesthecontextoftheactPolicefoundtheelderlywomaninherapartmentinamulti-familyhouseinEllerDistrictAnambulancedoctorcouldnolongerhelptheoldwomanShesuccumbedtoherinjuriesThebrotherwasdrunkandwasarrestedwithoutresistanceheaddedThebrutalactwasprecededbyadisputewhichthenworsened
+++ 11:10: Four dead in a plane crash in the Alps +++
A small plane sank in the Swiss Alps. As announced Saturday the police of the canton of Valais, the machine had started Friday afternoon in Sion for a tourist flight. For reasons unknown to date, the Robin type machine has collapsed at an altitude of about 3300 meters on the Mount Durand Glacier. The alert rescuers found the pilot's body and his three passengers about 150 meters below the Durand Pass. They have not been officially identified on Saturday morning.
+++ 10:40: Puigdemont left Germany +++
Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont left Germany. He left on Saturday morning and arrived in Brussels, told his media lawyer Till Dunckel in Hamburg. For this Saturday morning (11 am) planned Puigdemont already a press conference in Brussels. The 55-year-old was deposed in Catalonia as president of the Autonomous Region in the autumn of 2017 after the banned referendum of independence.
+++ 9:10: Police operation in Munich – Terminal 2 authorized +++
Terminal 2 at Munich Airport was evicted Saturday morning because a person was unchecked in the airport. security area of
. The federal police therefore stopped the processing at the terminal on the first day of the summer holidays in Bavaria and cleaned up the area, as she announced via Twitter. "The person is wanted," she says.
The exact context was initially unclear. Due to the police operation [19459033] delays were reported at Terminal 2 for many departures, while patience was required on the way to the holidays. Thousands of people start their vacation this weekend at the start of a six-week summer vacation. Traditionally, these days belong to the busiest at the second largest airport in Germany.
+++ 8 am: Kuhnert on his way out +++
The president of Juso
Kevin Kühnert hopes that his audience comes Facilitate the task of other young people in their own environment. "I had myself 15, 16 years old when I had my coming out – the situation was not so deeply etched in my memory," said Kühnert at the "Berliner Zeitung" [19659010] +++ 7am: Nahles warns the SPD against the imitation of the Greens in refugee policy +++
The SPD leader
Andrea Nahles urged his party in the refugee policy to a clearer demarcation of the Greens. "The imitation of the Greens does not help us," said Nahles in an interview with "Münchner Merkur" (Saturday edition). This also applies to asylum policy. "The Greens are taking a simple position and our course is more sophisticated, but realistic," said Nahles.
The party leader spoke out in favor of a "realism without resentment," even though it represented a challenge for the SPD [19459041] every day. "In the party, it creaks a bit when I say: He can not all stay with us," said Nahles the "Münchner Merkur". At the same time, she refuses to sharpen her profile by misbehaving with the weakest in society. It is "the difference for the right populists, but also for the CSU", whose behavior is "too often used".
+++ 6h25: the famous chef Ducasse no longer cooks at the Eiffel Tower +++
Alain Ducasse will not be cooking soon at the Eiffel Tower. The call for bids for the operation of the restaurant "Le Jules Verne" and the bistrot "The 58 Tour Eiffel" in the emblem of the French capital, starred chefs Frédéric Anton and Thierry Marx decided. Anton will resume the "Jules Verne" from October 1st, at the same time Marx starts at the bistro.
The "Jules Verne" offers the best cuisine in addition to a breathtaking view of Paris. The head of state, Emmanuel Macron, and his wife Brigitte, US President Donald Trump, and his wife Melania visited here during their visit to Paris last July. The future chef Anton already runs the three-star Parisian restaurant "Pré Catelan".
+++ 4.25 am: Three people killed in a shootout at the retirement home +++
At least three people were shot dead in a retirement home in Texas, According to early media reports, two men and a woman died Friday night (local time) under unexplained circumstances. The threat had been "neutralized" during this time, it was said without further references to the shooter or the. The Robstown home near Corpus Christi in the Gulf of Mexico was evacuated soon after.
+++ 15h: Mattis plans a meeting with the Russian Defense Minister +++
after the first bilateral summit of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin consider Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to the meeting of his Russian colleague Sergei Shoigu. In the matter was still "no decision" fell, Mattis said Friday in Washington. He favored the "reopening of communication" between the two countries. "It's very important that we talk to the countries with which we have the biggest differences," said Mattis. During Trump's meeting with Putin, however, "no change in policy" was decided.
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