Night ride: the police discovered a 14-year-old vehicle at the wheel – Freiamt – Aargau


On the night of Friday to last Saturday, a Muri regional police patrol checked a car at one and a half hours from Badi Muri public car park. The police were not surprised. Behind the wheel was a 14-year-old child, seated behind and at the back of their two 13- and 15-year-old colleagues.

It turned out that the 13-year-old had stolen the car shortly after midnight from her sleeping mother, and then took over the other people. The Strolchenfahrt, led by the Free High State through several communities, traveled to Muri, where the 14-year-old also took the wheel.

Fortunately, there was no accident during raids of more than 22 kilometers. Young people from different communities in the Upper Free Office were handed over to unsuspecting parents the same night in detention. They must answer for their departure at the office of the young lawyer of the canton of Aargau. (Az)

November police photos:

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