Not only do people suffer: The dog days are too hot for the hedgehog – Canton (Aargau) – Aargau


The current heat period is not only a problem for humans, but also for the animal world. Currently circulating in social media posts, according to which domestic wildlife needs help. AZ asked the experts which animals are most affected by the heat and how they can possibly be helped. The situation of hedgehogs is particularly precarious, as confirms Anneliese Girlich (78 years). The Rheinfelderin has been taking care of thorny animals for 38 years. For ten years she has been in charge of the "Pro Igel" hotline. Girlich: "At the present time, I receive about 40 to 50 calls a day from people who have found wounded or dehydrated hedgehogs. Usually, it is only half.

She was particularly struck by a case in Lucerne, where a little hedgehog had started to eat another. "Kanibalismus under hedgehogs never met me in all those years."

The most serious problem: Hedgehogs feed mainly on worms, snails and insects, which are virtually invisible in the heat. The daily rhythm of hedgehogs is currently confused, as the expert says: "Often I receive messages that a hedgehog sun. Hedgehogs do not tan. If you find an animal a day, then it is definitely sick and something is wrong.

Water as first aid

Sick or injured animals should be collected and reported to the "Pro Hedgehog" hotline. It is accessible day and night. Anneliese Girlich and her assistants currently employ 61 young hedgehogs. They are treated, supplied with drugs as needed and reintroduced into an outdoor enclosure. If you want to pro-actively help hedgehogs, you can put a shallow fresh water bowl in your garden. In addition, native hedgerows are very popular with biters. "The subject of hedgehog feeding is very controversial.At the current temperatures, I recommend putting dry cat food, if you have a hedgehog," says Girlich.

Some fish species also suffer from the heat, says Johannes Jenny, general manager of Pro Natura Aargau. "Especially the brown trout has problems with the heat. As a result, native watercourses are warmer and the water level drops and so the water level in the fish is hiding. "However, amphibians have fewer problems and they can also be supported relatively easily in the heat:" It's fine if you have a not-so-decent garden, "laughs Jenny, so the animals would find many Shelters As with hedgehogs, you can easily hiding yourself, clusters of stones and branches are ideal for animals, and those who want to give special favors to amphibians regularly sprinkle branches and cairns.

Animals are not all at risk

"Animals adapt to bad weather. They also keep a summer rest in their sanctuaries, "says Jenny. Amphibians living in the garden depend on external circumstances. The owners of a pond often have water frogs. Those living near a forest can accommodate toads and frogs.
Most kings of the air can very well adapt to the conditions: "Normally, the birds always have enough energy to reach the most water source. close. In addition, their feces contain very little water, "says biologist Michael Schaad of the Sempach Ornithological Institute.It is only when the heat is high that animals take refuge in places

Despite their great ability to adapt, birds, like many other animals, benefit from support. "It certainly makes sense to Have bushes in the garden. In their shadow, the birds can retreat. In addition, the animals are very clean, a bowl of water is an opportunity to swim and drink. "

The Food Can Be Dangerous

One of the messages diffused diligently in social media refers to dehydrated squirrels. Andrea Turnell of the Squirrel Service in Buttwil can not confirm the problem: "Animals certainly forgive themselves more often in the summer in their Kobel, but they can still get water." It's never bad to put a bowl of water in the open air, but it is absolutely necessary to refrain from feeding squirrels.Peanuts, almonds and acorns are dangerous for animals because of their compositions. She herself provided her squirrel with a sunshade in front of the aviary for extra shade, said Turnell.Thus, in summary, the wildlife struggles with the heat, likes to cool off in the backyard. water and take refuge in shady places

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