Nowitschok: A poisoned couple in Salisbury is probably not a victim of a stroke – world


The South England couple, poisoned with Nowitschok 's weapon, was probably not the victim of a targeted attack. UK security secretary Ben Wallace reported on Thursday to the BBC broadcaster. Experts believe that the couple has been in contact with a contaminated object that was used in the attack on the scripts.

The latest victims, according to police, are a 45-year-old man and a 44-year-old man. year old woman from the area. First, the woman collapsed Saturday in the Amesbury residential building, later the doctors had to take the man to the hospital within a few miles of Salisbury. According to a friend, the two were no longer accessible; Moss came out of their mouths

Police have now identified five areas in Amesbury and Salisbury that will be examined. The couple had been in both places shortly before the illness. Those who have recently been to these areas need to follow security measures such as washing their clothes and wiping mobile phones.

Four months ago, former Russian agent Sergej Skripal (67) and his daughter Julia (33) were unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury. been discovered. After a long therapy, they live today in a secret place. London accused Moscow of being the brains of the attack. Nowitschok was made in the former Soviet Union, later he appeared in other countries.

Nowitschok used in the manuscripts was very pure. "This increases the lifespan," said chemical weapons expert Ralf Trapp of the German news agency. According to Trapp, the substance was a highly purified agent from a laboratory that could last several years. Therefore, it is conceivable that in the new case, the couple involuntarily came into contact with Novitschok residues on a transport ship. "Until now, this is only a scenario." There is still a lack of evidence, "said the toxicologist and chemist, who worked as an independent consultant to the organization. for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations

The Russian Government worried

Russia worried responded to further poisoning in the United Kingdom. "It's a very disturbing news. Of course, it is very worrying, "said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in Moscow.Until here, no information has been received in Moscow that the Novitschok or any other substance has been used in the new case.

The British government had accused Russia of being behind the attack on the Skripals. </ p> <p> Peskov again stressed that these are unfounded allegations. to investigate the case with the British authorities, he told the Interfax agency.The proposal, however, remained unanswered.

The Russian Embassy in the United States Low said that Russia certainly can not be at the origin of the poisoning case in Amesbury. "Do they really believe that Russia is so stupid" to use "the so-called" Nowitschok "during the FIFA World Cup?" Tweeted the representation.

In Russia, more than Theories circulate after the new case, just as the couple could have been poisoned. A mentally unstable employee at the nearby Porton Down Research Laboratory could have spread the warfare agent to the area, said former secret service chief Nikolai Kovalev of the agency Interfax. The employee could have arranged this after his release from revenge. Another former FSB chief said the laboratory might have problems storing the substances.

Citizens want more information

The couple in danger is in the same hospital in the city of Salisbury, where the scripts were processed. In response to the new case, the Government Security Council, the Cobra Committee, met for an emergency meeting on Thursday.

In March, parts of downtown Salisbury were sealed after poisoning scripts with the officer of war. The assassination triggered a serious international crisis. Many Western states, including Germany, have expelled dozens of Russian diplomats. Moscow reacted with similar measures

After the recent incident, some areas of Salisbury and the couple's home were closed as a precautionary measure. Residents asked more information from the authorities. Among other things, the couple would have attended an event in a church before falling ill on Saturday. Officials initially assumed that they could have taken drugs.

The Chemical Weapons Research Laboratory near Porton Down was the subject of an investigation. There, the Nowitschok neurotoxin had been identified in the Skripal case. Independent investigations by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) confirmed the result at that time. (AP)

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