All good things go by three – that's what I think Bauer Andreas thought. The Wahlkanadier had such a woman at Bauer's, already the third lady of her farm. Her attempts to make love to the applicants Angelika and Irmgard have not been successful. But now everything could be better. With Ingeborg, Swiss Switzerland seems to have found great happiness.
In the penultimate episode of this year's Kuppelshow season, it was really romantic with the aircraft carrier Cappy and his chosen. After a wonderful walk in the Canadian forests, the two lonely hearts became comfortable with a Spiegeleipfanne. The eggs had Ingeborg extra fried in the shape of a heart. "For decades, I did not learn that the partner was preparing dinner. […] I am just speechlesssaid the 68-year-old young geriatric nurse. The food also showed them how much the feelings are reciprocal. After a passionate kiss, they had to shed one or the other tears.
In fact, the bearded man could have won a special stroke of luck with Ingeborg. The candidate Angelika that he still had to send home because of their massacre. Her current lady, however, came to taste thanks to Andreas. "Usually, I do not like bacon, but yours is fantastic"she revealed significantly.
All information about "Bauer sucht Frau" in the special on RTL.de.

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